Baby I'm A Fool (Erotic)

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This song is made by a newer artist so it is not historically accurate. It is a beautiful song and it would be beneficial for you to listen to this song before reading!

This imagine is shorter in length and also has explicit content, in all honesty this whole chapter is about lovemaking.(YASSS SMUT)
If you are uncomfortable you probably have already scrolled away. And if you are a little bean pleaseeee scroll on ❤️
If not, please don't tell your parents!
Bad Era: 1988

"There's my baby" Michael smirked.

"Oh my gosh, Mic-" you dropped all your things and squatted down, you no longer cared about your items. Tears streamed down your cheeks.

You stepped over the bags you had dropped, and attempted to run over to your boyfriend- who was sitting on the edge of the couch.

"I missed you too much (Y/N)" Michael said as he grabbed your thighs and positioned them on either side of his. He pulled you close and nuzzled his head into the crook of your neck. He gave you a small peck that gave you an immense amount of butterflies.

You were speechless.

You hadn't seen Michael in months, and even though you called every day, he was often too tired from tour to hold decent conversations.

You had no clue he was coming back, especially for that special day.

"Michael, you didn't tell me you were coming. I'm a literal mess" you said while laughing as you swatted at his chest.

"I wanted to surprise you" he said while descending closer to your face. So close, that his lips lingered over yours.

"Surprise" he said before giving you a passionate kiss that you've been longing for, for 2 months and 13 days.

You had been counting.

Your hands became tangled in his luscious black curls. He quietly moaned in response.

He grabbed at your bottom and massaged it while continuing to kiss you passionately. The kiss was drenched with desire and want, he  communicated this through the way his lips moved in response to yours.

Your hand traveled down the front of his neck and lead down to his torso. His silver necklace was cold to the touch and was a shock to your warm flesh.

In this moment, you realize the door was still open and your items are sprawled around the entry.

You pulled away and he pulled you closer to him- with full force, this caused both of you to fall back onto the couch.

You laid in Michael's arms squirming, as his protective arms held you down onto him. He planted multiple kisses onto your jaw.

You poked his ribs and began to tickle him, he began to squirm himself. This gave you the ability to get out of his grasp. You stood up quickly, looking down a pouting Michael.

His beautiful brown eyes made you want to throw yourself at him once again, but you had to remind yourself that for yours and Michael's privacy, the door must be closed.

You leaned down and brushed Michael's signature curl out of his face, so you could kiss his button of a nose.

"Come back here, please" Michael pleaded as you started to stand upright, once again.

"Michael, the door and the bags are left in a jumble. I think the neighbours have seen enough for today" you laughed while walking over to the entry.

"Oh, yea" Michael chuckled in agreement.

He stood up to help you, but he quickly made a hissing sound, indicating that he was in pain. You turn around in response and you see his hand in his pants. He was fixing his growing erection so it wouldn't cause discomfort in his jeans.

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