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My cousin has a similar curl pattern to Mike's during Thriller Era. So, shout out to Elijah for this idea 😂. This is going to be super short, but I hope you all enjoy!

Thriller Era: 1982

"It was nice seeing you, Margaret" you grinned from ear to ear as you waved your dear friend farewell.

She flashed you a smile as she duck down into her red hot sports car. She blew you a kiss that was followed with a single wave.

Your left hand twisted the door nob and pulled it towards you. You walked down the dimly lit studio as you sipped on your medium- roast coffee.

You heard the sound of a spritzing bottle, followed by grunts. Your head cocked to the side at the odd noises.

With each stride, you got closer and closer to Michael's dressing room, which you had identified by the labeled door having Michael's full name in bold print.

As your hand encased the metal handle, you heard the loudest shriek ever- that belonged to Michael. You chortled at the sound, and barged into the room to inspect the situation.

Directly in front of you was a large mirror that showed you Michael's reflection. His eyes were squeezed shut. "Ah!" Michael yelped in both delight of your arrival and pain. "Glad-" he interrupted himself, once again, as Karen tugged his curly strands of hair tightly. Michael tugged away from his makeup artists grasp and turned to give her a scowl. "Let me at least say hello to my girlfriend, geez" he scoffs.

You shook your head at both his attitude, and his new hair-do. You came up to his side, to inspect it further. You contained a loud laugh and sucked your lips in to make sure it never escaped. Michael side-eyed you as he gauged your expression. "What, you don't like it, (Y/N)?" he huffed. Karen's eyes shot up at yours- as wide as ever.

You shake your head and put your hand on his shoulder. "No, no baby, it looks.. cute" you said with a smile that clearly showed you were suppressing laughter.

"Hmm" Michael said sceptically with his eyes in slits. His head turned and faced straight. You cover your mouth and turn as you chortle.

"Can I begin?" Karen sassed as her hands full of hair supplies bent to the sides.

"Yea, yea you can," Michael replied. "How much longer?" he questioned.

Karen squats slightly to see the remaining hair. "Well, you have like two braids left" Karen smiled.

Michael's eyebrows furrow. "Rows, Karen. I think they're called Rows" Michael corrected.

As you sat on the couch, you no longer contain your laughter. "No honey, they're more like braids" you said before bringing the coffee back to your lips.

Karen shrugged and tugged on Michael's locks- this caused his head to be pulled backwards, as well. "Egh!" Michael grunted in response to the rough handling.

She began to pick his curls with no relaxer or moisturizer. "Karen! Spray!" Michael screamed as you chortled on the side- lines.

Karen reached for the green spritzer bottle. "What is this again?" she questioned with her head cocked to the right.

Michael breathed in deeply as his eyes shut for a few moments, when his eyes opened he exhaled loudly. "Karen. That is water" he said through clenched teeth.

At that moment; the coffee that was in your mouth began to drizzle as you tried to keep yourself from choking. You calmed down to swallow safely before letting out a loud cackle as you leant foreword with your hand on your chest.

"Come on guys, stop picking on me" Karen pouted.

The laughter subsided and you watched Karen finish another 'row' before she started on the remaining strands.

You stared at your boyfriend with a playful smile plastered on your face. Your boyfriend was cute- as always, but his hair in jagged edged rows.. was not it.

Your attention went straight towards the door as it began to open.

Are they ever in for a treat, you thought to yourself as you raised the coffee to your lips and peered over the cup.

"Hey Mike, you're on in-" the crew members eyes went wide as his lips twitched. He was suppressing a laugh, just like you had. "Nice.. hair-do" he said as he bit the sides of his lips before he turned and walked out of the room in one quick movement.

Karen couldn't see the crew members expression, so she took it as a compliment. "Thanks, it looks good on him" she grinned. Karen turned towards the door when she received no response, and shrugged at the members disappearance.

Michael looked somber as his eyes glanced at his hair then down to the right.

Your smile faded to a frown at the sight. My poor baby, you thought.

"And that's that!" Karen exclaimed as she brushed her hands off.

"Thanks, K" he smiled faintly.

Karen began to walk out of the dressing room. "Gonna go get a drink," she glanced at Michael. "Looking tuff Michael" she said with a wink.

She walked out, and you let out a loud exhale. You stood up and turned Michael's chair to face you. You ran your fingers down the short rows, and you could feel that they weren't evenly parted. With your hand on his head- you clenched your eyes shut and shook your head lightly.

"It's that bad, huh?" Michael laughed. You raised both of your eyebrows and your eyes widened in response. "I know, I know" Michael continued his laughter as he swatted you away to look at himself in the mirror.

He turned his head to the right and glided his hands on his hair- much like he did on stage. He did the same on the left side and huffed. "All that pain.." Michael huffed.

You backed up onto the couch and spread your legs apart. Michael eyed you from the mirrors reflection and gave you a weird look. "Oh, (Y/N).. show starts-" you had cut him off with loud laughter.

"No, grab that parting comb on the desk and sit your ass down" you shook your head.

Michael giggled towards you with the golden comb in tow. "Where do I sit?" he said as he realized he wouldn't fit between your thighs on the couch.

"On the floor" you responded, as you pointed to the space between your feet.

"The floor?" Michael said in disapproval.

You purse your lips and arch your brows. "You do want your hair fixed, right baby?" you questioned.

His posture slumped and he nodded his head. He sat between your legs and handed you the comb.

With the comb, the process was sped up ten fold. With slight pressure downward on each braid with the thin metal rod- the row became detangled.

Minutes passed and his hair had returned to its natural do'. You smiled as you shook your hand in his fluffy hair. The braids had accentuated his curl pattern. "Much better" you breathed.

Michael turned to you with a smile on his face. "I thought I looked tuff before though" he mocked Karen, playfully.

You laughed as you gripped onto his chin and planted a kiss on his cheek. "You are perfect, just as you are" your eyes sparkled.

Michael wiggled out of your grasp as he started to blush immensely. "I'm embarrassed" he squealed.

The moment was disrupted by a knock on the door frame. The crew member from earlier had returned with other members behind him. They all let out a disappointed sigh. "Looks much better, Mike," the crew member said between laughs. "You're on" he smiled.

"Wait! Wait!" Karen exclaimed from down the hall. "Let me wish him good luck!" she added.

She soon came into Michael's view,and she looked as if she had just seen a ghost. "Oh, come on!" she huffed as her arms fell to her sides.

Jsjsjsjsjsjs, I laughed while making this 😂

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