Red Is Fire, Blue Is Ice, You Gonna Spend Time With Prince Tonight?

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Dedicated to dear friends of mine who have recently found the powers of the two songs (along with other obscure jams) that are included in this imagine! mjscurls01 scorpionmisfit27

Dangerous Era: 1992

"Well, isn't this the pinnacle of my existence. I'm very impressed with all of our wardrobe choices for tonight" Prince's eyes roamed over your frame.

"Yea, and what do you mean by that?" Michael questioned in an unamused tone.

"You're both wearing primary colours, of course," Prince scoffs as if Michael was supposed to understand his random statement.

"I do think I gotta a little more (Y/N) on me tonight. I'm more of a royal hue" he winked as his right hand tugged at his fitted purple tux.

Michael snaked his hand around your waist, in defence of your frame from his roaming eyes. A smile etched onto his perfected face, that bared a small amount of concealer and an array of beauty products. "Well, that's nice," he responded as sweetly as possible. "We really must be going to our seats. The public will be arriving soon" Michael's gaze became increasingly harsh.

The ending of Michael's sentence requested for a response, causing Prince to tear his eyes away from your thighs. "Yea, let me ask the lady a question first, hm?" he questioned Michael with a smirk before shamelessly winking at you.

Michael filled his lungs with an abundance of air as he tried his hardest to keep his composure. You laughed lightly at his tensed expression. You rubbed his back as you continued your chuckle.

"Why don't you ask me, Prince? You never ask me anything" Michael asked with a rather calm tone in comparison to the tone he had before his deep breath.

The question tugged a smile onto Prince's lips. He raised his perfectly arched brow at his request. "Aw, alright Jackson. I was going to ask her what her favourite song of mine is, but feel free to answer first" he leaned on the row of seats.

Michael's smile grew wider than it should have. "Damn U." You chortled at his response, thinking about the time he did in fact play this song in your presence.

Prince began to laugh. "If I didn't know any better, I'd think you're using the titles of my singles to send me a message" his smirk showed his amusement with Michael's response.

"Oh no, I think your vocal range and instrumental placement was impressive" he defended.

"Hm, that's nice of you to say," he brushed his fingers through his jet black curls. "Did you play that for him?" his eyes sparkled as he questioned you.

Knowing the meaning and sensuality of the song, there was no doubt that he was trying to get at how intimate you and Michael were.

"We've played it a few times, yes" You sucked your lips inwards to contain your feverish giggles as you stared up at a blushing Michael.

"Hmm" Prince's eyes darted between your lover and you. He wasn't the happiest to figure out that your relation to Michael was deeper than a Grammy date. "Anyhow," his tone was riddled with annoyance. "What's your favourite song, darling?" His mischievous smirk returned with a vengeance and did a number on Michael's pride.

Michael warned you with his saucer eyes, knowing your answer and predicting Prince's response, he didn't want you to be truthful. You rubbed his back again, he was awfully tense in situations like those.

You turned back to the flirtatious bachelor. "Darling Nikki" you responded boldly.

Prince pushed himself right off of the seats and cocked his head. He rubbed his lips against one another as he thought of a suave response.

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