Grand Finale (Erotic)

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Before I even speak about this chapter can we all just appreciate that picture like OMG HE LOOKED SO SEXY THAT DAY IT HURTS.

'HERE COMES THE SMUT DOO DOO DOO' 😂😂 Hopefully you all have imagined getting it on with Off The Wall era Michael because.. that era does something to me.

I'm gonna do my best to portray his personality at the time! So sit back and enjoy the romantic ride down 'memory lane'.

Oh also, if that wasn't warning enough.. if you're uncomfortable or a fetus you may not want to read this❤️❤️

Love you alllll!
Triumph Era: September 26th 1981

Michael slammed the door behind him as he walked into the dressing room. You turned towards him.

You smirked at him, already able to sense what your boyfriend was about to say.

"Girl.. you cannot do that, I almost couldn't finish the show" he said as he walked closer to you.

You walked a step backwards every time he got closer to you. Soon your back hit the wall and he hovered over you. Your smirk grew wider.

"I didn't do anything" you said innocently.

Michael cocked his head to the side and his huge bright smile appeared.

"So me seeing you licking on your fingers and biting your lip on the side of the stage was all my imagination, right?" Michael said with his eyebrows raised. You licked your lips. "Right" you said before giving him a small peck.

You pulled away and your head rested on the wall, once again.

Michael's smile grew into a smirk.

"So you liked my performance?" he said as he eyed you up and down.

"More than you know, mister Jackson" you said slow and sensually.

"I love your voice, you know I love when you sing Everybody. Don't get me started on when you move these sexy hips of yours" you said as you placed your hand on his right hip.

"Stop buttering me up (Y/N)" Michael blushed.

"Why not? After all, it is your last show" you said while you gave him eye contact.

The sexual tension between the both of you grew stronger and stronger by the second.

"You're right about that" Michael said as he bit his lip.

"So, let me. Show. You. My. Appreciation. For. All. Your-" you said between kisses on his neck.

He moaned in response and pulled himself closer to you. You were pinned to the wall.

"Hard work" you said as you put your hand on his imprint. He gasped and increased the distance between you. He was bright red in the face.

"I know you're a little shy, and I love that part of you too" you said as you kissed his cheek to comfort him.

While keeping your hand on his growing erection you pulled him closer by the collar of his black shirt.

You almost melted at the sight of him in that shirt, he was so damn sexy.

"I love every part of you, girl. This one.. especially" he said before giving you a passionate kiss.

Your tongues wrestled for dominance as he held onto your hips.

Putting all of your weight on the wall behind you, you put your left leg up onto his hip.

To your surprise, his hand went from your hip, down to your waistband.

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