Christmas Blues

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"Daddy wake up! One week until Christmas!" Steve groaned and buried his head under a pillow. "Daddy!" I whined as I shook him.

"Five more minutes." he mumbled as he pushed me on top of Bucky. I pouted, then tried to wake Bucky up.

"Папа, please wake up!" Bucky sighed but opened his eyes to look at me.

"Go back to sleep sweetheart." he said with a smile as he pushed me back onto the bed.

"But Папа a week until Christmas!" Bucky shot up and looked at me.

"Steve get your butt out of bed!" he barked as he picked me up. When there was no response from Steve, Bucky sighed and pushed him off onto the floor. Steve hit the floor with a thud and I giggled as Bucky set me on my feet and pushed me to my room. Ten minutes later I was in the attic with Bucky, hunting for Christmas decorations.

"I found another one!" I called as I picked up a box. Bucky carefully ran over to me and took the box before handing it to Steve who was waiting downstairs.

"I think that's everything." Bucky said as he looked around. I smiled and scurried downstairs to help Steve with the decorations.

"I think it's upside down."

"What makes you think that?"

"Because it's upside down." Steve sighed and disassembled the tree before finally, finally he was able to put it together correctly.

"So what now?" he asked as he looked at me.


"Please don't kill yourself." I stuck my tongue out at him and smiled as he ruffled my hair. "I am serious though."

"I think it looks great!"

"You love Christmas, you're not exactly the best impartial judge."

"Touche." Bucky smiled and set me on his shoulders as we all stared at our handiwork.

"I think," Bucky said with a smirk "that we need to start a Christmas movie marathon!"

"YAY!" I cried as I scrambled off his shoulders and onto the couch. Bucky and Steve jumped onto the couch to sit beside me and smiled as I turned on How the Grinch Stole Christmas.

"Do you know the whole movie by heart?"

"Yes." Steve and Bucky smiled as I continued to recite the lines. It wasn't until the Grinch's heart grew three sizes that I started to feel weird, and I tried to go to sleep.

"Come on sweetie, it's time to go to bed." Bucky gently shook my shoulder but I weakly hit it away. "Charlie, are you feeling OK?" No.

"Yes, I'm fine." Charlie you stinking liar. Steve felt my forehead and immediately drew his hand away.

"Sweetheart, you're burning up. Come on, let's go to bed." I whimpered in pain as Steve lifted me up, and my head started pounding. "It's OK Charlie, try and go to sleep sweetie." I buried my head into his shoulder and slowly closed my eyes. Steve gently set me down in his bed and tucked the blankets up to my chin.

"I love you Daddy." I mumbled hoarsely. Steve kissed my forehead as he and Bucky climbed into bed next to me.

"I love you too Charlie, go to sleep, you'll feel better in the morning." I nodded slightly and snuggled into Steve's side as he kissed my forehead again. "Goodnight sweetheart."

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