Chapter 2

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Chapter 2. - Homecoming.

I finally didn't get a date. I thought about Alex all the time now. His smile, his eyes, his hair, his nose, his lips, his ears, his smell...oops, wrong direction of thoughts. Why was I thinking of him anyway? Isn't he supposed to be annoying???

Anyway, we bumped into each other the other day & our books got exchanged. I got angry. I asked him whether he was blind & didn't see where he was going. He said I didn't see where I was going because I was blinded by his beauty. I rolled my eyes & collected my books. I've got to return his book. The so-called date was fine. It wasn't even a date. We were dressed casually. Pleasant, actually. He took me to a cafe. We talked, just talked. Had coffee, a pastry & he paid for it & dropped me back home around 8. Sharp on the deadline. I thanked him like a good girl & went home to my room. I still had his book. I just decided to take a look at what book it was so I could return it to him. I opened the book - there was nothing else other than his name. I opened the first page & shut it back. Nah! Uh! It's not mine. It's his private journal, I can't take a peek. I shouldn't. It's none of my business. Maybe a slight peek. And I'd get something to tease him about later..I thought. This conflict was going on in my head & the brain won. I decided to take a peek. I felt guilty for doing it later. I still do. I should return it on Monday. And by the way I got a blue-green shimmering gown with silver neckline & borders. I borrowed mom's jewellery & I loved the way I was looking. I was looking great but with no date. I finally drove up to school & entered the gym which was totally transformed into something else. Wow. I was wearing my favourite dress. No date. No one to dance with. I just got sadder & sadder as each couple went to the dance floor. I just decided to go sit in a corner. I sat down & cried. Faye was with Drake. Pauline was with Jack McAllister. I was alone. I lifted my head to see Alex entering. Alone. Huh?

I thought he had a date. Why didn't he bring her? I guess Alex spotted me so he waved. I smiled & waved back. I wiped my tears & went up to meet him. Though he was annoying he was the only one alone I asked him about his date so he said his date had bailed on him. I had something to tell him & I just had to.

"I've got something to tell you. Please don't get mad. I'm sorry. It wasn't intentional." "What's wrong?" He asked. " I read your book. I'm so sorry! I know I shouldn't have but I did. I'm sorry. Please forgive me!" I said & waited for his reply. He said "What book?" I said " Our books got exchanged the other day, so I read your book or rather journal. It had a lot of things. Your pictures. Your friends' pictures. Your history. I'm so sorry. I know I shouldn't have done it. But I did. I'm sorry." Wow! I was telling HIM I was sorry. What a change in me! I was guilty so it didn't hurt to tell him I was sorry...Right???

"Oh!" Oh! - that's it??. He wasn't going to say anything like how a horrible person I was?? He hated me for it??? I read his god damn journal & he wasn't going to say anything?

"So that was with you? I've been looking everywhere for it. I usually don't get it to school. Don't worry about it. I'm not mad. Actually, I read your book too...😐. I'm sorry too!" What??? He read my journal! My god damn diary!! I finally stopped myself from exploding there and said "Oh! What?! How dare you?? I know I read yours but I stopped after the first line!!!" "Hey! Not an excuse!!" He said. "Fine. I'll forgive you If you forgive me. Deal?" I said. "Deal" he said. And we both laughed. But come to think of it, I think we'd just become better frenemies. I guess, he then noticed my tear stains because he asked "Have you been crying? Didn't think you were the crying type! What's wrong? Did I do something wrong? How can I make it right?" He started rambling. Wow, he was annoying & sweet. I stopped him and said it wasn't his fault. I thought I should tell him about me not having a date so I just told him I was upset about my studies. He said that it was a silly reason to cry & that everything would be alright. I don't know why but when he said it I actually felt everything was going to be fine. It felt right talking to him. Then, after a while, we stopped talking and just looked at each other. He then asked me to the dance floor & 'Words' was playing. Wow! What an appropriate song for an appropriate time I thought sarcastically. There was something wrong with me. Definitely something wrong with me. What the hell am I thinking? We were dancing.. Wow! (Snap out of it!!!) It felt so right, him holding me & me holding him & us holding hands. His hands were so warm..(What the hell?! Snap out of it Ems!! He's so annoying for god's sake!!) Jesus! What the hell is wrong with me!!!

We just kept looking at each other & I was happy with him. Genuinely happy. Ever since Grandpa died, I've been unhappy. I've had opportunities but I never felt this happy. Ever. He was everything I asked for. WHAT?! Oh my god!! I like him!! I freaking like Alex!! HOW? WHEN? WHERE?

I've not felt this way since Tony & that was 2 months ago. He broke up with me now, officially that is. He'd broken up with me so many times & wanted to get back together every single time. And I let him. The break up was my fault. I should've known.

The 3 of us, Faye, Pauline & I went to the game last Friday. It was fun. We won. As always. We cheered the loudest, as usual. I enjoyed cheering for the team. It was fun.

Back to today, Alex dropped me home. I wonder why he does that all the time. I didn't know gentlemen still existed. Till today. He told me 'Call me if I had any problem with anything. Anything at all munchkin!". Those were his exact words. And why did he call me munchkin when I'd told him not to???. I told him I'd return his book on Monday. He said he would too. Why would he want me to ask him anything? Wasn't he the one annoying me? Why would I want to ask him anyway? I thought. 'Because you like him!' A voice inside my head said. Why did I like him anyway? Him helping me with my studies? Psst! That's so not happening. I could ask Pauline for helping me with studies. She'd never refuse to help me with anything. I could ask Faye but I didn't think she'd help. She was busy with her house. She had to help her mom since her dad wasn't feeling well. He hadn't been well for a while now. I wonder what happened. I'm thinking a lot. Stop thinking!!!!

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