Chapter 3

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Argh! We had tests this week & I was hardly prepared. I was but I wasn't confident. Lily was prepared. She was acting as though she had studied every corner of the text book. She always did well. I envied her for that. She was a good sister. We kept fighting over small things like who had whose pencil, whose clothes they were, why she didn't tell me there was homecoming,etc,etc. We fight almost all the time. But she's a good listener. I tell her my problems & she listens to them without interrupting. That's nice. She gives me solutions sometimes. Today was a bad day. I was tensed & everything was getting to me. Mom asked me what I wanted for breakfast. I screamed at her & said anything would do. Lily asked me whether I could take her to school with me, because she usually used the bus. I said no but then said yes. She sat in the car & meddled with the radio. I had Linkin' Park on. She kept changing the stations. I scolded her for it & hit her hand asking her not to do so. She knew I was tensed and left me alone. Strange, seeing the fact that she never listened to me. Never did what I told her to. Guess she had a guy problem. Emphasis on 'guess'. Could never tell with her. Anything could be wrong. She may have hated the breakfast. She may have lost something. She might have messed up with the lipstick colours. Anything. Literally, anything could have gone wrong. I didn't bother asking because then that would lead to another fight & I had had enough fights already. I was in a bad mood. I had trig today & she had bio. We were almost reaching school. I got more nervous. I started looking for my water bottle & chocolate. Chocolate always makes me feel better. Especially dark chocolate. I found my water bottle. I was messing with the bottle cap. I finally opened it & then spilled water all over myself. This day couldn't get worse. I had to change my dress now!! I'd be late for class. Lily usually had an extra pair of clothes & we were the same size. "Hey idiot! Got an extra T-shirt in your locker??" I asked her. "I'm not an idiot! And even if I did have one, why would I give it to you??. If I did give, what am I getting in return??" she asked.

Yeah... That was my sister. Always looking for something in return. "I'll buy you a pineapple pastry & chocolate mocha after school!" I said. That always worked. We had reached school & were at the lockers. I was opening mine. She said "Fine. I want two chocolate mocha with extra chocolate! Here you go!" She said & threw a shirt at me. "Don't have to be so rude, you know...?!" I said. "I know but being rude is fun & this is who I am! Take it or leave it!!".. "Thanks anyway!" I said to myself because she'd already left to class. I rushed to the gym, changed & got to class on time.

I waved at Faye & Pauline & went to sit in my bench. I braced myself for the paper. The teacher was distributing the papers. Faye & Pauline were behind me. "God save me!" I thought out loud. I collected the paper & started reading it. Reading the paper always helps.

"What the hell?! Are these questions even within the syllabus?! Which chapter?!" - these were the questions running through my mind.

I started answering all the questions I knew & sat down to think about the answers for the others. Guess what I did? - "Eenie meeny miny moe, catch a tiger by its toe!".. Soon enough, time was up. I gave my paper & stood up. I shook my head at Faye & left the class. The paper went horrible. I think I'll get a C+. I'm not happy with that. We went to the café, took lunch & sat down together. We asked each other the obvious question. "How was the test?! How've you done?".

Pauline said the usual - "It was ok."

Faye said "It was horrible!!!" with a disgusted look. I said "Mine was horrible too... Didn't know a thing!!" We smiled a secret smile. Because we were almost the same type. We liked the same singers, same movie stars & the list goes on & on.

We quickly had our lunch & left to gym class. Gym was the usual stuff. I don't play games or sports. But my favourite game was badminton. I like physical activities. They let me think in peace. And by the time gym was over, my problems sorted out. Come to think of it, where was Alex? He hadn't annoyed me today. I had to return his book too. "Just when you think of the devil..." I said as I saw him coming into the field. He smirked & waved at me and came to stand next to me.

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