Chapter seven

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Hey guys, I'm back with chapter seven. I tried to add in some fluff. Hope you like!

Izuku was standing there, swaying on his feet. "I'm sorry..." Izuku said before falling forwards. Toshinori caught him before he hit the ground. But there was one thing wrong. Izuku was not breathing. 


Once they arrived at the hospital they took Izuku to try to revive him. They took him into surgery. He had internal bleeding and they needed to stop it before it was too late. He was hooked up to a heart monitor which showed that there was no heartbeat. They continued CPR.

"Charge paddles to two hundred," The doctor said. He placed the defibrillator on Izuku's chest. "Clear," There was still nothing. This went on for about ten minutes. Izuku, for ten minutes, had no pulse, no brain activity, and no signs of being alive.

With Todoroki and the others

Todoroki and Kirishima paced the floor of the hospital waiting room. Todoroki had tears in his eyes. Kirishima clenched his hands. Their classmates watched them in concern. Their minds were on Izuku. He had been in the care of the hospital for almost fifteen minutes now and they hadn't gotten any news on him.

"Damnit!" Todoroki yelled loudly and uncharacteristically causing eyes to snap at him. "Why won't they tell us anything!"

"We will know when we know," Mr. Aizawa stated. "I know its hard..but we all have to stay strong...for Midoriya," He finished. He leaned against the wall. His entire body tense.

"He's my best friend...he can't die...he just..." Kirishima cut off. Uraraka being the soft-hearted girl she is, got up and gave him a hug.

"Where is he? Where is my son?" Inko Midoriya came rushing in. She had tears sliding down her face. "Is he okay? Have you heard anything?"

"Family of Izuku Midoriya..?" No one liked the tone the doctor used.

"I'm his mother, Is he alright?" She asked.

With Izuku

"Time of death... 18:45," The doctor called out. This was the part he hated about his job. He left the operating room with a heavy heart.






























There was a blinding flash of light. It was warm and welcoming...but a part of me didn't want to go into it. A part of me..felt like going to the darker path. I decided to follow the darker path, feeling a bit adventurous. Then I felt a strong pull. It was almost like gravity. Like I was being pulled towards something. Then sounds interrupted the quiet. There was someone yelling somewhere to my right. Someone to my left doing something. The sound of something wiring to life, along with the feel of air on his face. A constant beep...beep...beep. That was all I heard before the sounds stopped and the world went black again.

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