Chapter ten

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Hey guys, I know this chapter may seem a little rushed. However, I feel like I've kept you all waiting long enough. 


Everything was actually starting to get better. I was seeing a therapist once a week. My friends made everything bearable. Monoma started leaving me alone, finally. My father hadn't contacted me or mom at all since he was put in one of the high-security jails. Everything was falling into place.

.........So Izuku thought.......


Izuku and Todoroki lay in Izuku's bed cuddling. "I love you Zuku," Todoroki said thinking Izuku was asleep.

"I love you too Sho," Izuku said before his breathing slowed and evened out. Todoroki held Izuku as the green haired cinnamon roll subconsciously scooted closer to him.


Izuku was finally seeming happier. I'm happy for him and Todoroki. They bring out the best in each other. There is nothing I want more than to see my best friend happy again. He is slowly but surely getting there. "Aren't they an adorable couple?" I asked Uraraka who was sitting next to me.

"Yeah. They are," She replied. "Deku really brings out the more fun side of Todoroki-Kun," She finished.

"I was just thinking the same thing," Iida replied.


Todoroki placed a kiss on the sleeping Izuku's forehead before turning the light out and leaving the room. He walked down to the kitchen to grab something to eat. Kirishima walked up to him. "You've been doing a great job so far..but if you EVER hurt Izuku..." Kirishima left the threat unfinished. Todoroki nodded. "He's my best friend...I don't think I can bare to lose him," Kirishima added quietly.

"You don't have to worry about that," the half and half teen said going back to what he was doing.

Kirishima walked out of the kitchen leaving Todoroki to continue what he was doing.

With Izuku

Izuku woke up to the sound of his notification. The green haired teen rolled over and put his head under the pillow, curling further into himself. His phone went off again. Groaning he looked over and turned it on only to be temporarily blinded as the brightness was all the way up. "Damn," He cursed softly rubbing his eyes. The number was unknown.

'I hope you are happy with you're decision. This isn't the last you've heard of me and this time...I won't hesitate to kill every last one of you're friends, oh and maybe I'll bring Inko into this bloodbath too' Izuku stared at the text in shock, surprise, horror, and fear.

*knock knock* The sound of someone knocking brought Izuku out of his thoughts. The green haired teen opened the door revealing Todoroki. Giving the half and half teen a small smile, he opened the door the rest of the way to let him in.

"Zuku, are you okay?" Todoroki asked as he noticed Izuku kept glancing at his phone.

"Yeah..I'm fine. We should go to the common room. I'm bored," Izuku commented. Todoroki nodded and they headed to the common room.

"Hey, Izuku!" Kirishima said happily as he noticed the two walk into the common room.

"Hey Kirishima," Izuku said. He was trying to mask his concern about the text he got earlier.

"What's bothering you, Deku?" Uraraka asked noticing his mood was slightly off.

"Nothing. Don't worry about it," Izuku said. Todoroki grabbed his shoulders and spun the green haired teen to face him.

"You're lying. Remember what happened the last time you kept everything inside? What's wrong?" Todoroki asked staring deep into the green eyes that refused to meet his own.

"'s no-" He was cut off by Kirishima.

"Izuku. Tell us," Kirishima's tone left no room for argument.

"But....fine...okay, I got a text from an unknown number earlier...." Izuku started. No one spoke because Izuku left no room for them to speak before talking again. "And...I think it was from...him," Everyone knew what Izuku meant by that. Kirishima's eyes darkened. Todoroki narrowed his eyes.

"What did it say," Todoroki asked through gritted teeth. Izuku took a deep calming breath and got his phone out. He unlocked it and went to the message, letting Todoroki read it.

"I hope you are happy with you're decision. This isn't the last you've heard of me and this time...I won't hesitate to kill every last one of you're friends...oh and maybe I'll bring Inko into this bloodbath too," Todoroki read. "Iida...get Mr. Aizawa. He will want to see this, he can actually do something about it," Todoroki said.

"Right!" Iida exclaimed running out to get Mr. Aizawa. Moments later Iida walked in with Mr. Aizawa.

"Iida here said it was it better be," He said. Todoroki showed him Izuku's phone.

"We have reason to believe that this is Izuku's father trying to contact him," Todoroki said. Mr. Aizawa pinched the bridge of his nose, he looked more like a tired parent than a pro hero. Izuku stood there frozen in place as everyone kept looking at him as to wonder what his next move would be.

"Midoriya are you alright?" Iida asked. Izuku was trembling. His face was pale and he looked tired. The green haired teen seemed to hesitate before shaking his head. Todoroki placed a gentle but firm hand on his shoulder to comfort him.

"It'll be okay. He won't hurt you or any of us," The half and half teen said to soothe the other. That very same day that Izuku got that threat from his father, his mom was hospitalized with serious injury.

Izuku began to feel nauseous as the officer told him the news, and even more so after finding out from the doctor that his mom was in a coma. Izuku walked into the ICU room that his mom was in. He could barely stand to see her in such a state. There wasn't even a hint of a smile on her face like there usually was. Her face was pale. More so than normal. She was hooked up to some machines. There were bandages all over her arms and legs. There was a big purple bruise starting to form on her face.

"Mom..." Izuku said softly before walking closer to her bed and taking a seat in the chair next to it. The green haired teen put his head in his hands and began to cry. Everyone worried he'd slip back into his depression.

Todoroki walked into the room after a while of begging to visit and walked over to Izuku who was sleeping awkwardly in a chair. He found an unused blanket on another chair and covered the sleeping teen up. He placed a kiss on the side of Izuku's face before sitting in a chair and watching over the two sleeping forms.  

Annnnnnddd SCENE. Let me know what you thought and don't forget to vote!

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