I creep down grabbing the door handle.
"Boo." I hear ra chuckle.
"Great exactly what I needed." I growl sarcastic. Standing up to my full height.
"Soo it seems she shoved you into a early tomb." Ra jokes.
"I don't know what I did wrong." I whine putting my head up against the wall.
"It could be a thousand things." Ra laughs.
"Great that helps a lot."
"Just tell me what happened." Ra chuckles.
"Well when I went to you know with my-"
"With a Rock hard doggy bone you went to dig it deep into her soil." I hear bes chuckle.
I feel my pride fall apart around me. I turn quickly. To kick the shit out of him,but my dick hits him right in the face.
"HOLY SHIT!" Bes yells in surprise looking up at anubis. "You are seriously carrying. Put that thing away before you poke my eye out." He chuckles
"I've been trying." I roar feeling a rage come over me.
"You know what anubis we need to go out for a drink and talk about our first times." Ra says leading me and Bes to his room.
I take a seat on the couch really needing to finish. Ra hands me and bes a drink sitting down in front of me.
"So what exactly happened before she got angry."
"I went to..."
"Fuck her." Ra finishes.
"And there was what felt like a wall inside of her." I grumble.
"Oh holy shit you hit the holy grail why aren't you pounding that?" Bes asks grinning.
I groan running my hand over my face pulling off my "hat"and setting it down on my lap to cover my visable member.
"He obviously has no clue about wemon how did he even get her in bed?" Bes let's out.
"Look anubis when a girl has a wall like that you need to break it but don't be rough cuz it'll hurt her. Once you break that wall you know gently please her as you ease yourself in,but just as a warning it will be super tight and hard to hold yourself back. It's not for your pleasure it's for hers. The woman always comes first when your doing the deed." Ra say downing his drink.
"What is this?" I ask sniffing the strong smelling drink.
"I have a feeling you don't want us to remember this." Bes laughs.
"Well I asked her..." I start but stop really embarrassed.
"What?" Ra asks on the edge of his seat.
"I asked her if she already had something in there.." I whine
"Actually that could've been possible." Bes chuckles
"What would a lady put down there without a man?" Ra asks
"They call them dildos." Des chuckles
"A what?"
"Well men aren't the only way for a woman to enjoy herself." Bes chuckles.
I blush. "Do you think she has one of those?"
"If she had one of those she wouldn't need you." Ra chuckles.
I look down at my glass setting it down on the table. Bes and ran laugh.
"What's wrong anubis are you under 21?" Ra chuckles grabbing my drink and downing.
I start feeling jealous what if she did have a dildo and she is using it right now.
I stand up and put my hat on stomping back to my room. Bes and ra follow me confused.
I kick in my door. The smell of blood hitting my nose. She sits on the floor holding her stomach completely naked.
I rush to her side bes rushes off and ra picks her up laying he flat on the bed. He grabs a blanket and holds it against her wound. "What happened?"
"I slipped on my skirt and the knife fell of the bedside table."
I wasn't here for her and she nearly died. Skehmet rushes in and starts to work. I curl in on myself blood coating my fur.
Ra pickes me up and slaps me. "Stop acting like a child death is your job isn't it?"
I nod.
"So even if she does die you still have her."
I shake my head. "What if she hasn't lived a balanced life?"
"Then I'll make her a goddess."
I hug him tightly. Ra chuckles pating my back.
"She will be fine but she needs to rest." Skehmet says looking around.
"Anubis what is with your jewelry you never take it off."Ra chuckles. "Anubis nearly lost his virginity!"
I growl pushing him away.
Skehmet chuckles. "So how was it? What did you do to her?"
I blush. "You want me to tell you about it?"
within his tomb
FanfictionA very unlucky girl abandoned in the Egyptian dessert comes across a weird hole in the ground only to discover it's anubis's tomb Hey thanks I just noticed I'm ranked number 2 in Anubis and number 1 in tomb