Chapter 1

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Hey lovelies! I just wanted to let you now how excited I am to write this! I want to let you know ahead of time that I really don't do the whole sex thing. So the characters in this book may talk about what they have don't before but the two main characters won't be doing anything! I'm sorry but I feel uncomfortable writing that stuff!

Thank you so much for understanding and here is my first chapter for Put a little Love in it!!

Love you all!



"Stop Daddy stop"!!! I cried as the dad I once knew as loving and caring threw objects from the living room at me. I ran up the stairs to try to hide from him, but as I ran I could here his booming steps follow me. I ran into my room and hid in the corner. My dad came running in full of drunken anger. "This is all your fault"! he screamed. "It's your fault your mom died"!! I cried and hid my face from my dad.

I woke up from that terrible dream and I had tears running down my cheeks. I looked at my alarm clock that read 6:00 am. Well I guess I should get up for school now since I know I wouldn't be able to fall back asleep, I thought to myself.

As I got out of bed, I couldn't stop thinking about the nightmare I had. My dad started to drink after my mom died and it escalated since then. He didn't start abusing me until I was 6. As I got into the shower, I tried to think about what I would wear for school(a/n does anyone else do the besides me? I always try to think I what I'm going to wear in the shower haha). I finished showering and wrapped a towel around me and one around my hair and walked towards my closet. As I looked in there for what to wear I decided on a floral printed dress that had an open back and it went to about my knees. I decided to wear a white sweater on top since it was cold in the school from the AC. I put on some white sandals and plugged in my curling wand.

I picked up my phone and looked at the time which was 6:45. I took my hair out if the towel and dried it some more with the towel. I decided it should be more dry to curl so I plugged in my hair dryer and dried my hair a little bit. I sprayed some heat protectant in my hair and then started to curl it. My blonde hair was thin so it was hard to curl, it was really frustrating. When I finished I put light make up on, grabbed my bag and phone and walked out of my room.

As I walked down the steps quietly, I could hear my dad snoring in the living room. He was sprawled out on the couch surrounded by empty beer bottles. I rolled my eyes at him and walked into the kitchen and grabbed an apple and my car keys and walked out of the house. I got into my car and started to drive to school.

Once I got to school, I grabbed my bag and walked towards school. Like always, there were groups of people hanging out with the same people. There was the jocks and cheerleaders, the girls who slept with every guy, you have the band kids, and then the bad kids of the school. There was five of them and they really didn't hang out with anyone but each other. Harry Styles, Niall Horan, Zayn Malik, Louis Tomlinson, and then there was Liam Payne. I swear, he has probably slept with every single girl in the school which personally I thought that was gross. Liam and I used to be really good friends. We knew each other since we were young, but then he turned down the wrong path. I hated him really. He pretended like he didn't even know me anymore.

As I started to walk towards my locker, there was my three best friends, Jordyn, Taylor, and Katie. "Hey guys"! I said and smiled at them and hugged each one. "Hey Anna"! Jordyn said. She was literally perfect her long black hair was so pretty. She had a twin sister Taylor who had the same black hair but they were completely opposite. Jordyn was more outgoing and Taylor was really shy. Then, there was Katie. Katie was so sweet and she was crazy and really weird. I loved her though she was such a good friend.

Once I got my stuff from my locker, all four of us at the same first period, so we all walked to Calculus together. Once we got inside, there he sat. Liam Payne and his friends all sat in the back of the class joking around. Liam looked over at me and froze. He just looked at me and smirked. I walked with Jordyn, Katie, and Taylor and sat down near the middle of the room.

"Did you guys see that"?! I said and look frantically at my friends. "Yes! Liam totally looked at you and smiled"!! Katie said excitedly. "This really isn't okay guys. I don't like him anymore. He forgot about me"! I said. "Well maybe you can be friends again" Taylor said. " Taylor's right Anna, maybe since it's your senior year you should give him a chance". Jordyn said. I sighed and looked back over at Liam and his friends. He was looking at me with a smile in his face.


AHHH first chapter!!! How was it?! Was it good?! I'm so excited!! I already want Anna to give Liam a chance!

So I have some questions for you guys!

1) what should the Liam and Anna ship name be?! I was thinking Linna but i don't know I need help!

2) Do I put too much detail into things?

3) is this moving too slow?

Thank you guys so much for reading! Please comment, vote, and fan! Especially comment I love to hear your fee back!

Love you all my beautiful, crazy lovelies!!


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