Chapter 7: Skylar And Natsu First Fight

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~~Two Weeks As Past~~~

~~Erza Pov~~

It was been fun having Sky in the team. Natsu keeps asking Sky to fight him. She keeps saying NO. Stella and Carla are talking. Natsu and Gray fighting again. Lucy was talking to Levy. I was eating my cake and talking to Sky. Mira walk to our table and told us that Jason is coming to today. Sky had a confused face. Mira explain who was Jason.

"The magazine reporter from Sorcerer Magazine." Sky said.

"Yep" Mira said.

"Jason probably will ask for interview. "Mira said as Sky nodded and continued drinking her smoothie.

Mira walks back to the bar.

"Erza will he drive me crazy?" Sky asks as I nodded. She sighed and continued drinking her smoothie.

~~~Time Skip~~~

Then Jason comes in the guild and looks at Skylar.

"Are you Skylar?" Jason said.

"Yes" Sky said.

"May I ask for an interview with you." Jason ask

"Sure" Skylar said.

~~~Time Skip~~~

~~Skylar Pov~~

"Jason is driving me crazy. " I said in mind.

I answer all of his questions. He asked for a picture of me with Mira. Mira and I nodded. Mira and I pose and smiled. He took the picture and went talking to the others in the guild.

~~~Time skip~~~

Jason left. I ask Mira to give me my usually and went to sit with Erza.

"How did it go?" Erza ask.

"He ask a lot of questions," I said as Mira bring me usually.

"Thank You Mira" I said as I starting my cake piece.

"Are you going to Natsu? You know he won't give up." Erza said as I continued eating my cake.

"Yeah. I know but I think if I fight him. He will end up at the infirmary." I said as I look at Erza.

"Natsu can handle my attacks. He doesn't go to the infirmary. He just go's to sleep or just gets knock out." Erza said.

"Fine. But I'm holding back." I said as I finished my cake.

"Okay" Erza said.

We continued talking. Then Nastu came to the table.

"Fight Me" Natsu shouted.

"Sure at the woods. We won't destroy Magnolia." I said as I stand up.

"Yes. I'm All Fired Up." Natsu said as he and I walk out the guild.

~~Erza Pov~~

"Erza Is Natsu going to fight Skylar" Gray shouted as I stop at the front of the guild.

"Yep" I said.

"I want to see this. I never had seen Skylar fight." Gray said as we walked in to the woods.

~~Skylar Pov~~

Everybody from the guild came to see the fight. I see some people biding who will win. Stella came up to me.

"You are crazy." Stella said.

"I'm going to hold back." I said as Stella nodded and walk back where everybody was at.

"Are you ready?" Erza said as we both nodded.

"The Fight Starts Now" Erza said.

Natsu was running to me. "Fire Dragon's Iron Fist" he said. I jump to the air.

"Wind Dragon's Roar." I said. He dodged it and I came back to the ground.

"Fire Dragon's Roar" he said.

"Requip Flame Empress Armor." Everybody was surprised but except Erza and Stella.

He was shocked I took the advace of it. A sword appears in my both hands. I start attacking Natsu. Natsu grab my leg.

"Fire Dragon's Roar" he said, as the fire was about to touch my leg but instead hit my face. I jump away from Natsu and had one eye open. Natsu saw my eye. I run to him but it looks like I was going to punch him. But I use my animal speed and was the back of him. Everyone was shocked.

"Recuip Sea armor" I said as a water sword appears on my hand. I attack him from behind. I Recuip back to my normal clothes.

"Wind Dragon's Roar" I said as Nastu got knock out.

(This my fist time writing a fight scene.)

"The Winner Is Skylar" Erza said as she walk towards me.

"Is your eye okay?" Erza said as she had a worried face.

"I'm fine. Only a little of dirt got on my eye." I said as I walk to Natsu and grab his arm and put it around my neck.

Stella and Happy were helping me to carry him back to the guild. I put Natsu on the chair where he sits at. I went to the bathroom to check me eye. My eyes turn to blue.

"Damn It. I can't come out like this. They don't know this part of about me. Only Stella knows." I said in my mind. Then heard a knock on the door.

"It's Me. Stella," She said as I open the door and saw she brought my sunglasses. I grab the sunglasses and put them on.

"Thank you so much" I said as we walk to table where were Erza, Lucy, Gray, Wendy, and Natsu who woke up. I walk up them.

"You are pretty strong almost like Erza" Natsu said as I smiled.

~~~Time Skip~~~

I said good-bye to everybody as Stella said good-bye to Lily.

We were walking around town. I was thinking if I should visit Timmy. We walk where was Timmy's Grandfather shop. We walk in the shop. I see Timmy helping was his Grandfather to restock. I smiled and looked around the shop. I grabbed a pack of gum; some chips and Stella grab a pack of fish. I walked to the counter and put the things down on the counter to paid. I see Timmy walk behind the counter and scan the things and looked up.

"Skylar" he shouted as he walks to me. He gave me a hug, as I was a little shocked but hug him back.

"Thank you for saving my grandfather" he said as I smiled

"Any time Kid," I said as his grandfather walk up to me.

"Thank you for saving my life" Timmy's grandpa said.

"You can also take your things. It's on the house." He said as Timmy put the things on a bag.

"Thank you." Stella and I said as we walked out of the store.

~~~Time skip~~~

It was night.

I took off my sunglasses. We were on our way home. I bump to somebody. We both fall down.

TO BE CONTINUED.............

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