Chapter 29: Her strength

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My eyes widened to find the others here. I thought they were on the other side of town.

“URG!” I was grabbed and thrown a crossed the battlefield. I flipped over before landing on the ground. I looked forward to see him smirking with a dark aura surrounding him.

“I was searching for you.” He recuips a sword on his hand.

I requip a one of my special sword.

We started crashing out swords together.

~Doranbolt Pov~
These clones are tough to beat.

I turned around to see Skylar fighting. It looks like she is letting loose.

They are fighting each other not holding back anymore. Its more tense then I thought.

He is actually attending to kill her.

~Stella Pov~
‘Please keep your emotions in check.’

Looking at behind Wendy fighting along with the Sky God Slayer Chelia from Lamicra Scale.

~Skylar Pov~

I jumped from the side of the building bouncing off, and dodging his attacks

I saw slight shiny object hanging from his pocket.

‘Is that’ I kept dodging as I run passed to see buttons on it.

“The remote.” I muttered.

I turned around to bent over dodging his beam. I quickly run over to him and grab the remote from his pocket. I see his widened and tried to
catch but it was too late. I was in the air and quickly looked around to see Gray and Natsu.

“GRAY NATSU!” I roared throwing towards them and they turned around to see the remote coming towards them.

“DESTROY IT!” I was tackle down to the ground leaving a craver.

“Urg.” I looked at him furious. I looked around the clones were flinching falling on the ground.

“You have become strong then last time.” He commented.

I smirked and was grabbed by the collar.

“Why are you smirking while my future-self is going to killed your future sister self.” He laughs like maniac looking behind me.

I looked around to see Wendy on the ground while his future-self stabbed her.

“NNNNNNOOOOOOOO!” I screamed as it echoed through the battlefield.

Everyone looked over to gasps on the scene.

He let go and me dropping to my knees and looking ground panting as my eyes started to sting.

This same feeling was when I was twelve back then I thought Ryan was killed.
~Stella Pov~

“You are sure did grow to be a big softly Skylar.” I heard him say everyone was silent and shocked what just had happened.

He did kick her, making her fly off to brick wall. Falling on the on ground trembling and shocked in the same time.

“She is in shock.” I mumbled

“I won this game Skylar. You are defeated.” He says.

“You gonna paid.” I turned around to see Natsu and Gray really pissed off and having vein popping out of their heads.

“She was-” He was cut off. Natsu and Gray started attacking him.

I looked over to Skylar who had five magic circles surrounding her.

I turned around to see him un-human like. He had wings and had black, silver marks all over.

“I bet you remember this don’t you. Wendy-Chan,” He chuckled walking towards her. She and Carla are starting to tremble in fear.

I step forward in front of them holding the sword in fight stance.

“Stop don’t me make laugh.” He says and starts running.

“DIED.” He shouted and he disappeared. I looked around to see Sting And Rogue running using their Dragon Force.

“HE IS RIGHT BEHIND YOU!” I turned around and swing my sword to see him appeared and hissed and backed away.
Sting and Rogue stand next to Wendy and Carla.

“Take them away from here.” Sting ordered.

I picked Wendy who was recovering from her shock. I flied a little bit until my wings disappeared. I put down Wendy.

“My limit is up.” I sighed turned small again.
~No One Pov~
They didn’t notice he had set trap. He wanted them to run. When he attack as the twin-dragons slayer dodge it. He sends a three beam along with daggers.

“That should do it. She can’t dodge nor block it.” He chuckles.

The three beams along with dagger moving quickly towards Wendy, the three eyes widened to be far away distance but can still send an attack.

A person moving in lighting limit jumped in front and hugged the three protecting from the attack. They noticed the arms were covered with scales and blue, white marks on their arms along with claws.

The smoke appeared and the person vanished.

~Skylar POV~
I sneaked behind him causing Rogue and Sting eyes widened. He turned around with sword trying to stab me but it broken into pieces.

“It’s impossible. I have never seen this in my life.” I could see fear in his eyes. My whole body was covered in scales along with sharp teeth.

“Its dragon scales. They are hard to breaking threw.”  I commented in a deep voice. I lifted my fist up and punched him. He fell back into the ground.

He transformed to his more powerful form. I know the weakest in this form too

He sends three attacks from different directions. I stand there with none emotions. I held up my two hands to the side breaking the attack into pieces. The one in front of me I started eating in by sucking in the air.

“Lets see which is stronger, your grudge or my power of protecting my love ones.” I said tilting my head.

“Will it be you who breaks or me?” He asked smirking. I know behind that smirk he is scared.

I smirked back. I had the wind surrounding while he had dark aura surrounding him.

He run over and when he is near me. I kicked with all the strength I have into the air. He went flying like a doll. I smirked.

“Are you really Skylar-Chan?” I turned around to see Lector and Frosch.

I nodded and I bent down and jumped off to the sky following him.

My wings appeared along with a tail and I flew up more. I see him flew down to me.

“Lets find out. Who is stronger?” He shouted.

Our fist touched each other to release so much power that we flew in different directions.

~To Be Continued...~

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