16 - FanderSides

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Full name: Justine Hope

In case you were wondering, the meaning of daughter of Nemesis, the goddess of justice, being named Justine is not lost on me.

Nicknames: None, but the campers call her "Hope" since they say that she "doesn't look like a Justine". She's still trying to understand how someone can "look" like a certain name, but she doesn't mind being called Hope.

Someone's surname being their nickname is actually fairly common, so this is fine regardless.

Height and Weight: 5'5 and 125 pounds

Appearance: She has black hair (which sometimes look blue because of the sunlight) and has her hair in a pixie cut, and has dark brown eyes. She wears glasses since she has horrible eyesight (she's nearsighted and uses -2.50 prescription glasses) this gives her some difficulty during combat, since she has to make sure that she does not break her glasses (although she's used to it). 

Possible solutions: prescription sunglasses, contact lenses, witchcraft, etc.

She also has slightly pale skin, so she has to apply sunscreen. 

Pro-tip: everyone should wear sunscreen if they're gonna be outside for more than a few hours. You can get skin cancer no matter how dark your skin is and it's actually more important to take care of your skin if you're dark-skinned because a lot of doctors don't have much training vis a vis recognizing skin cancer on dark-skinned people and are more likely to miss it in the early stages. You're definitely at a higher risk if you're paler, but the sun takes no prisoners.

This isn't relevant, it's just something I only recently learned which is really annoying since I was previously really happy about not needing sunscreen.

When in combat, she wears cargo pants, a long sleeved camp t-shirt, and combat boots. Her weapon is a dagger so she can move faster. Her combat style is more offense than defense, so she practices defense more, since not knowing it could affect her in battle(She's not really good at defense). 

What kind of defense? I'm guessing she's a dodge-and-weave kind of fighter just because carrying a shield kind of defeats the purpose of a dagger(although, side note, it would probably be a good idea to also carry some kind of short sword in case she gets in a combat situation where a dagger doesn't have enough range but she still needs to move fast), but the exact style of defense is gonna have an impact on her overall fighting style. Does she have any particular style or training outside of Camp Half-Blood? How is she at unarmed combat in a fight where she's disarmed or caught off-guard? How good is she at offense, and how much less does she practice it than defense?

Her normal attire are some pants and a hoodie, since she feels more comfortable in pants than in jeans.

There are a lot of types of pants, but otherwise everything checks out.

Faceclaim: Talyn (look it up on google and you'll find her, they look the same except that Hope has black hair)

Assuming this is Talyn from the Thomas Sanders...expanded universe...whatever, no problem.

Birth date: 5/25/2002

Godly Parent: Nemesis (If anyone is confused as to why she has 2 moms, well it actually IS possible for Gods to have children in a same sex relationship even it is with a mortal)

Considering she's a literal goddess, this is not surprising. Now, Dionysus' origin story? That's wild.

Powers from Godly Parent: She can transform into the person someone wants revenge on, but if she doesn't know who someone feels vengeful about, she cannot transform into them. Also, if she doesn't know what the person looks like she will need a description of them or a picture. Her voice can also change, but again, she has to know what that person sounds like. (It sounds complicated but in reality it's pretty simple, just tell her who the person is, tell her what they look like and how their voice sounds and bam! Also the voice is only option you got, I didn't want it to be too easy), and if you ask her to be 2 people at a time, it will be like the Gods fighting between their greek and roman appearance. If you give her the wrong information she will still turn into that person but...if it was for a mission then you better run for your life. This change can only last 20 minutes maximum and 10 minutes minimum, but she can change back whenever she wants. This power will only drain her if she uses it consecutively during a short period of time.

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