18: LadyFae1234 part 2

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Name: Unknown; Gaia and Tartarus are the only ones who know and have kept her name in secret because her name is powerful enough that if said, she will become even more powerful than her parents.

Cool! I am reviewing this OC. Can I know her name.

Titles: The Bane of Olympus. Daughter by parents, Sister by siblings.  While on Earth, she picks the most popular name of the era she is in.

Does she have any particular metric or does she just have some kind of divine baby-name website that tells her the top 10? Also, is 'era' a fast and loose term for 'whenever her current name starts to sound weird' or is it a fixed period of time- like, does she update every hundred years?

Family: Daughter of Gaea and Tartarus, Sister of Typhon and Giants, Half-Sister of Titans, Aunt of Monsters and the Gods

Appearance: She has three forms. Since birth, her weight and height varies since she is formless but her presence can fill the entire Tartarus pit. In her human disguise, she chooses the most feminine height and weight of the era she visits on Earth. 

What the fuck does that mean? Like- average height and weight would raise a lot of questions on its own but would at least be understandable(she chooses a height and weight that won't stand out in a crowd), but aside from possibly average height and weight of specifically women. . .

Since birth, her body has been nothing but a mist of blood red, acid green, and dark purple. In her human form, she disguises herself with the most attractive traits of the era

Averages are actually more of an art than an exact science, and attractiveness is such a slippery concept in general that this is, to put it simply, literally impossible to determine?

 she visits in and styles herself to fit in to what human crowd she is observing. In her monster form, she has patches of dry, thin, black hair that is burned off by the oozing acid blood from her scalp. The hair that falls off turns into ashes that pollutes the air and causes plagues and disease. Her skin is rotten purple, monster-filled pus oozing out toxic liquid everywhere on her body, and her skin lets out toxic air from her pores. Chapped and bruised lips and sharp fangs that overcrowd each other on her top and bottom, her are transparent and monsters trapped in her teeth that will claw and bite anything in her mouth. Her ears are pointy and in her ears are maggot-like monster babies that drop out of ears and transform into fully formed monsters. She has the same eyes as her father, red-lava filled sclera and has a black iris, her pupil shows the damnation of Tartarus and the torture of monsters screaming. Her body is as muscular as her father's, rippled muscles with pulsing veins that has lava in them. She has no armor and has no breasts or genitals. Her blackened nails are gnarly but sharp along with her toenails.

Sounds sick! She doesn't seem to have an actual motif, but hey, you know, sometimes you just gotta make a cool monster.

Finally, her monster form is as tall as Typhon's height, her head able to touch Olympus.

Powers: Geokinesis, Chlorokinesis, Creation, Tongue of the Old, Essence Absorption, Dark Gravity, Monster-Lordship, Umbrakinesis, Lava Control, Massive Strength, Transformation, Apocalyptic Disasters, Fire-Breath, Hypnokinesis, Manipulation, Durability.

Other than 'apocalyptic disasters' which I assume just means 'ability to cause floods/tsunamis/earthquakes/the good stuff' at will and which I feel would be covered under the rest of her powers with the power of telekinesis and control over the earth in general would grant, we've been over this. I would ask for limitations, but since the whole point of being an eldritch-being-the-gods-themselves-fear is that your powers have no limit, no worries.

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