Chapter 1

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2-D's POV

"Uggggggh" I groaned loudly upon hearing my alarm clock go off, I rolled over in my bed to turn it off, flinching at the sharp pain that hit my head as soon as I did. "Bloody Migraines" I mumbled whilst getting up to go get my painkillers.
I waked into the bathroom that was attached to my room, noticing my appearance as I caught a glance of myself in the mirror; my sky-blue hair was sticking up in all directions and my lifeless black eyes had bags under them from lack of sleep. "Great" I mumbled to myself before opening the press to take my meds. I took two and decided it wasn't enough whilst popping another two pills into my mouth.

I splashed some water on my face and walked back into my room in order to get changed, thinking about how today was gonna go, well I heard the other day that there was a new pub opening called 'Space Jazz' and that they were going to be giving out free drinks on their opening day which is today. Meaning that most of the asshats who bully me at school will be gone there to get locked for free, ha they definitely wouldn't miss out on something as good as that. Bad thing is that it doesn't open 'til 12 (midday) meaning that I'll still have to put up with those jerks until then, I thought sighing to myself.

On my way downstairs I noticed a peculiar smell. Pancakes, I thought. But who on Earth was making pancakes at this hour? as Mum is always at work by now and dad is on a business trip overseas. Crap maybe it's a burglar. No, why would they bother making pan-
My thoughts were cut off as I heard my mother shout "Stu breakfast is ready darling" I let out a sigh of relief knowing that I was in fact not being burgled. But what was mum doing here, shouldn't she be at work?

"Morning Mum" I said walking into the kitchen.
"Oh Stu, you're awake finally".
"Yeah" I mumbled
"ummm mum why exactly are you here and not at work?" I questioned.
"Well the hospital said that I'd only be working the late shift tonight so I thought I'd get up and make you some breakfast before school" she smiled.
"Ummm thanks mum" I tried saying as I was stuffing the food into me.

After I'd finished eating and I was washing my plate and a sudden realisation hit me that I'd have to take the bus to school instead of walking because Mum was here and she doesn't approve of me waking, thinks it's not safe. If only she knew that walking for me was so much better than having to take the bus. At least when I walked to school I wasn't attacked, unlike on the bus. I sighed at my thoughts of reality, looking at the clock and seeing it was time to leave, I grabbed my school bag.
"Bye mom!"
"Bye honey, have a nice day at school!"

I walked out the door and surely enough the bus had just pulled up outside. Damn. I hesitated getting on until I saw mum watching me from the door and then I knew that i have no choice. I got on the bus.

"Hey Rick" I said to the driver.
"Mornin' Stu, long time no see pal" he replied.
I smiled at him before deciding that it'd be best if I sat upstairs as maybe then when the bullies get on they mightn't have the energy to walk up the stairs, meaning they won't see me and if I do get a beating, I'd rather that someone like Rick didn't have to see it because he's a nice guy and shouldn't have to deal with a situation like that, he also played the music on the bus loud which meant he never heard any of my screams.

The bus journey had been pretty uneventful until we reached the fifth stop and that's when they got on. I heard the loud laughter and bad language coming from them when they immediately got on. Please don't come upstairs. Please don't come upstairs. I frantically thought.
But it was too late and before I could prepare myself I heard one of them shout "Hey! Look who it is!" Another one of them with a long green snake tattoo along his neck shouted "Our little blue punchbag is back!"
I squirmed at the word punchbag.

Next thing I know I'm being held against the window by my hair by a guy with a cigarette in his mouth "miss us?" He asked in a devilish tone.
"P-p-please p-please don't" I pleaded feeling the tears run down my face right before he smashed my head against the window and punched me several times in the face. The snake guy then came from the other side and knocked me on the floor whilst repeatedly kicking me in the ribs. "OUCH!" I yelped which made him chuckle. The tears were now streaming down my face while I tried to focus on breathing. What the heck 'ave I ever done to them! What did I do to deserve this! The kicking stopped. The guy who had been punching me walked over and grabbed me by the arm, he then rolled up my sleeve. I knew exactly what he was going to do. "N-no p-please" I stuttered.
"Don't you ever fucking speak to me, you freak" he shouted before burning my arm with his cigarette. I cried out loudly. Then watched him walk away with his friends.
I sat on the floor crying for a while before deciding it'd be best to dry my eyes and wipe up some of the blood that was on my face before I get to school. I pulled out my pack of tissues and got to work.

10 minuets had passed and the bus eventually stopped. I looked out the window only to see my very own personal Hell, school. I sighed getting up. It was painful to walk from all the kicking but once I got down the stairs I practically ran off the bus so that Rick wouldn't see me.

I looked up at the dull school now filling with students and sighed.
Here goes nothing.

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