Chapter 9

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Annelie and Alex climb up to the black cargo ship quietly and look around to see if Valgof goons was around. Alex looked at Annelie and says,

"I take him out while you destroy the weapon." Annelie nod her head and leave him but suddenly Alex pull her hand and pull her towards him before kissing her. When they left the safe house 2 days, he had a certain feeling that he would not see her again after all this end. They looked at each other and Annelie says,

"I'll see you after all this I promise. " Annelie pull herself away and start to follow Ash instruction to find Valgof. Annelie went up to the main deck quickly but quietly so that Valgof goon did not see her. While Alex went down to the lower deck and look for the weapon.

As Annelie walk further up to the stair where one of the goon was there guarding the stairs. When his back was facing Annelie, Annelie cover his mouth and drag him down before twisting his head before walking up again. When she got to the first room, no one was there and continue to move on to the next room but nothing.

"Ash what is going on?" called Annelie to Ash.

"I'm not sure...something is not right. There should be his goon in those rooms. You need to get Alex out of there NOW!!" worried Ash. Annelie turn around, but as she was about to go down and warn Alex she felt something hit her head hard. She turn around and saw Valgof and his goon was laughing at her while she fall down to the ground. Even with her head spinning, she could still hear them laughing and Valgof order his man to take her down to god knows where. Before she pass out, she felt that she was being drag like an animal down from the main deck.

After hours, finally Annelie open her eyes, but only to see Alex was hanging in front of her.

"Alex!!! Alex!!" called Annelie worried to see Alex unconscious.

"Alex..Alex!!" called Annelie again. But this time Alex manage to hear her and slowly open his eyes to see Annelie was being tie up. Alex look down at Annelie, he wanted to free himself to free her but he could not get the chain off him.

"What happen?"

"It seem that they were expecting us!" said Annelie who felt she should have known that Valgof would be waiting for her and have devise a plan to get her.

"Are you alright?" worried Alex.

"Yes how about you?"

"It sting a bit but I'm fine."

"Is your earpiece in?"

"Nope...they must have took it out yours?"

"Mine too." said Annelie when suddenly they heard the door open. They looked at the door and saw Valgof walking in.

"Natasha welcome back my love!" said Valgof sweetly as he stood very close to Annelie while he trace his finger down from Annelie forehead to her cheeks.

"Get your dirty hand off her!!" shouted Alex. Valgof stop and turn around, he immediately punch Alex face.

"You're still lucky I am still keeping you alive!!" said Valgof mad when Alex disturb him touching Annelie who once is queen of his stone and ugly heart. Alex sip out blood from his mouth and says,

"Kill me if you want but if you hurt her I swear I'll kill you!!!" threaten Alex. Valgof struck another punch to Alex face.

"We'll see about that!!!" said Valgof as he order his goon to beat Alex as bad as they could while letting Annelie watch him being beaten up. Annelie who was not pressure by threat smirk at Valgof and says,

"Might as well kill him!!!"

"Should I?"

"Even if you kill him or torture him you would not get anything out of me. You should have know me better Valgof." laugh Annelie who was not scare of Valgof or his threats. Valgof suddenly hold her jaw tight.

"This is not about that weapon!! It's all about you betraying me!!!" said Valgof angrily while he push her jaw away before he struck a punch to her face.

"After so long your punches is still weak as before!!!" laugh Annelie. Valgof punch Annelie face twice.

"Is this still soft for you? HUH!!!" shouted Valgof.

"As soft as you dick!!!" snapped Annelie. Valgof punch her again making her bleed more.

"Valgof there a line for you!" said one of his goon who rush into the room. Valgof looked at her before he walk out of the room leaving them.

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