Chapter 10

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Right after Valgof and his goon left them alone. Annelie looked around to see if Valgof goon is around but no one is there.

"Are you alright?" said Alex.

"I'm fine help me keep a lookout." said Annelie has she manage to untie the knot that the goons have tie up which was easy for her to untie. She went to Alex and immediately bring him down.

"Are you sure you alright?" said Annelie.

"I'm's you I worried about!!"

"You don't have to worry come on. Let's find that damn thing together and burn it down with Valgof along with it." sadi Annelie. Alex and Annelie run out of the room and look for the weapon which have been place at the bottom of the ship.

With the help of Ash, they manage to open the tight door. Annelie went to the mother computer of the messiah weapon. Alex stand at the door to see if any of the goon were around.

"Are you done yet?" said Alex.

"Wait a moment!!" said Annelie while she start punching in and number of the mother computer so that she could excess into it. After a second she in and start to allow Ash to hack into the computer.

"Is he in yet?"

"Yap...he should be placing the virus in!!!" said Annelie when they heard Valgof goon was coming down.

"Annelie .....are you done? They are coming!!" said Alex as he keep watch of the goons.

"Done!!" said Ash. Annelie stood up and took out a device from under her shirt and place it around the room before the walk out of the room.

"Ash the heli!!" order Annelie.

"Oh the way!!" reply Ash has he sent the coordinates for their location to MI6.

Alex hold her hand and says,

"Let's go!!" Annelie nod her head and both of them run towards the goons who had just saw them.

The goons start to shoot them and since they didn't have any, they shield themselves using the metal door which was open. Alex took a fire extinguisher press it towards the goons so that they could not see them. Annelie turn on her cloud lens on and attack the goons. Within minutes all of them were down. Alex who could only stand there watching was impress of his wife. Once the smoke in the air start to disappear, Annelie throw a gun toward Alex who catches it. Annelie start to place 2 more M9 and took more ammunition into her side pocket. Alex took a 2 of the M9 and ammunition too before they went up to finish the job.

Bullets were flying all around hitting every goon that came in the way.

"Ash Fire !" command Annelie to Ash. Ash immediately understood and start to type in command and within second a rocket fly from nowhere hit the end of the cargo making the ship tilt. Everyone fall and slide to the right just like the cargo. Alex manage to grab on hold to a pole while catching Annelie hand. When the cargo shot moving, Alex and Annelie move up away from Valgof and his goons.

"Blow it up now!" order Alex.

"Stand by!!" said Ash as he blow up the messiah weapon just like they have plan.

"Ash the Heli!!" asked Annelie as they keep moving up to the end where they need to wait for the helicopter before the cargo sink. While they were moving up Annelie felt her leg were being pulled, she looked down and saw Valgof was holding her leg. Annelie tries to kick him but to no avail he keep holding on to her. Alex was already at the peak, holding on the the ladder that has been sent from the helicopter.

"Annelie come on!!" shouted Alex. Annelie took her gun from the back and point it at Valgof.

"This is not the end!!" said Valgof.

"Valgof honey this is the end!!" said Annelie before the pull the trigger making the bullet went straight into Valgof brain making him letting go of his grid at Annelie leg falling into the blast of fire below them. The moment she freed, Annelie move up to the peak where Alex was already half up to in the air. Annelie run towards his hand who was out so that she could catch it.

Once she manage to catch his hand, the cargo give out the last blast before sinking into the deep ocean. Alex look at Annelie who was smiling at him.

"Well back to me as soon as possible!!" order Debbie.

"Roger that!" reply Alex but then he felt that Annie hand was about to slip.

"Annelie hold me tight, I'm pulling you up." said Alex but Annelie just smile at him letting her hand slowly slip away. Alex try to hold her hand tight but she keep slipping.

"Annelie...honey hold my hand!!" shouted Alex as he tries his best to hold on to her but her hand slip and he could no longer catch her.

"ANNELIE!!!" scream Alex but there was no use she falling down into the ocean, he could only see her lipsync that she loves him before crashing into the water and sink.

"Captain....go down now!!!" shouted Alex to the pilot but the pilot ignore his oder and fly him back to base.

"What's going on?" said Debbie when one of her tech told her what happen to Annelie.

"I need to go down!! Now...I need to save her!!" shouted Alex while the pilot assistance pull him up. Debbie breathe in and says,

"Come back to base!"

"Ma'am MY WIFE!!" shouted Alex.

"Come back to base!! That an order!" command Debbie. Alex wanted to fight back but the assistance pilot knock him unconscious.

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