Chapter 11

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It has been almost a year ever since Alex had lose Annelie, he has been to many mission ever since that, non stop. If he stop and rest he will start to remember her again and that painful memory will not go away that easily. Alex walk into Debbie's office as he had just finished another mission in Budapest.

"Ma'am!" said Alex as he stop and stand in front of Debbie. Debbie turn the chair around and smile.

"Welcome are you feeling?" said Debbie.

"I'm good." reply Alex short and simple.

"Are you ready for another mission?"

"Yes ma'am."

"Good!" said Debbie as he place a case file in front of Alex. Alex took the file and start to read what's inside the file.

"We received informed that a terrorist act is going to happen in Paris, i need you to go there and find the terrorist and stop them before they plan another attack." order Debbie.

"Another attack?" question Alex, so far he did not hear about any attack in paris for the last few months.

"There was an attack plan but 1 of our agent manage to stop it."

"Oh..ok. Is there anything else?"

"Yes there is in this mission you will be given a partner."

"Partner! Is that necessary?" shocked Alex.

"In this mission yes."order Debbie while the door open and someone walk in.

"Just in time." said Debbie as she stood up and walk closer Alex.

Alex did not need a partner, he's good at what he does and a partner will only get into his ways.

"Welcome to MI6 Honey." said Debbie to the person who stand next to him.

"Thank you for having me!" replied Honey. As she said that Alex found that her voice is very familiar to Annelie. Alex turn to his right and saw Annelie was standing next to her smiling at her.

"Annelie!!!" shocked Alex.

"You must be the famous Alexander?" said Annelie teasing Alex. Debbie look at them smiling at last they could meet again after almost a year. Debbie walk out of her office giving them space to reconcile.

"How have you been?" said Annelie.

"You..You fall!!!You fall into the water!! I went back to search for you but I could not find your body!!"

"I'm sorry Ash had prepare another body waiting for me."

"Why!!!I thought you died!!! Do you know how miserable I was not being able to save you!!!" shouted Alex.

"I'm sorry but that was the only way for me to continue being with you." regret Annelie. If Valgof could hunt her down when she was Kerina, the other who hated her would want the same thing and before they could hunt Alex and hurt him instead she should hunt them down before they do. Alex pull her close to him and says,

"We could do that together, I could protect you."

"I know but I could never want you to get hurt because of me. I love too much to see being hurt by the people who want to hunt me down. That why I told Debbie if anything were to happen to me she must not allow you to come back for me." said Annelie while tears start to drop from her eyes.

Alex could see how much she love him so much that she willing to sacrifice herself for their future. Alex pull her into a hug and hug her tight.

"I love you...I'm not going to lose you after this." promised Alex. Annelie only nod her head, she was happy that Alex could still accept her after her disappear act. Alex push her away from the hug and pull her into a kiss which he missed. Slowly but deeply he passionately kiss Annelie making sure that they don't stop until they are breathless. That kiss that they both shared is now will last forever. 

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