Part 18

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Noahs pov

I went to y/n's room with the mind set of me doing what I was dared to but when I saw her open the door I could see the pain in her eyes and I just couldn't do it and I won't do it

If Millie- millie could do whatever she wants im not gonna do it

But I still decided to hang out with her for a bit, we had fun we talked about random things we stalked fan accounts we had a couple of laughs and I realized something

I can't hurt her, not again.

Your pov

After Noah left I stayed awake for a bit, thank goodness he came into my room because I don't know what I would've done if he hadn't distracted me

Then I went to sleep, it's uh 8am right now and I look like absolute shit but I'm not going anywhere and I doubt anyone would wanna hang out with me

I went to take a shower then let my hair dry I put on some gray sweats a hoodie and my hair up in a messy bun, I don't wear makeup that often so I don't have to worry about that

It was 10am now and I heard a knock at the door I was taken aback because I really just wanted to be alone today, besides who tf would think about me? I walked towards the door and looked at who it was and it was Caleb but Sadie and Noah were with him


I opened the door not even caring about how I looked, but deep down inside I was self conscious lol.

"Hey.." I tried for a smile

"Oh hey!" Sadie smiled a genuine gentle warming smile

"What are you guys going here?" I asked trying not to sound rude

"Oh we just wanted to ask if you wanted to hang out, y'know maybe go to the beach.. or mall, maybe just go get food" Caleb said I thought for a second, i wanted to but I didn't want to at the same time

"U-Im not ready, besides I wouldn't wanna be the slow poke that ruins all the fun" damn do I hold grudges, no I'm kidding I don't I just like to make jokes of what once hurt me and might still hurt me

I looked over at Noah and he looked down when I said that, Caleb seemed to notice and spoke up

"C'mon y/n/n please? Just go get ready we'll wait" Sadie smiled, I couldn't say no anymore so I just decided to agree

"Fine fine hold up" I finally said they all smiled and I went in to put on some comfy clothes

I put on some somewhat ripped jeans they weren't tight but they weren't that loose, and I just put on a light colored shirt under a white hoodie

Why so much light color? Just to mask my true feelings for a day, besides I was also feeling kind of.. okay today

Noahs visit yesterday really helped me in a way

I grabbed my phone and some money then went to the door and opened it

"Okay then I guess let's go" I sighed

"Great! Where do you wanna go?" Caleb asked

"Let's go get some food? I'm hungry I haven't ate anything" I said

"Sure where do you wanna go?" He asked again

"Let's go where ever you guys want" I said

We went to (y/f/r your favorite restaurant or fast food place) and I got my order

We sat and talked about random things, Noah was kinda quiet throughout this.. the first thing that popped into my mind was, he hates me, can I blame him though?

"Hey Noah you okay? What are you thinking about?" I asked Noah was across from me next to sadie and he was drinking his drink, when he heard me he snapped out of his thoughts and looked at me

"Huh?" He asked

"Are you okay?" I said slowly

"Oh yeah, yeah I'm fine. Why?" He said looking at Sadie and me

"No just" I smiled and went back to talking with Caleb and Sadie

Noah finally decided to speak to us and we had fun, then the food came and We ate

When we were done eating, Noah insisted he paid all our meals after arguing a bit we all agreed and we went to walk around

We were talking about random things again when Noah stopped

"Hey y/n" Noah and the others stopped walking, I got a bad feeling about this already

"Yeah?..." I asked back slightly confused and my anxiety rising

"I know we haven't hung around with the other very much but, we're gonna have to go to a dinner party with the whole cast in like a few days, and-" he stopped and looked down at my arm

My heart was beating fast for some reason and I felt as If there was pressure on my chest and I couldn't breath correctly

I took a deep breath, that not seeming to work and nodded slowly

"Okay... yeah okay" I said trying to stay calm

Sadie looked at me noticing that I was almost about to have an anxiety attack and came to comfort me

"Hey it's gonna be okay" she reassured me

"I'm gonna have to hide my wrist and arm, obviously and I'm gonna have to act.. yeah okay no it's fine I'm fine" I reassured her too

I took another deep breath in and out trying to calm down but my anxiety attack already started, it wasn't a really bad one, I looked completely fine on the outside but I felt very very very different on the inside

"If you don't wanna go you don't have to" Caleb told me

"No It's fine, really" I lied I didn't wanna seem like a weakling

"You could sit in between Sadie and I" Noah offered "if you want"

I looked at him and hesitantly nodded, he looked so worried I didn't wanna tell him I'd rather sit next to Caleb

This was actually a really bad chapter lmao nothing interesting happened and I'm so sorry about that

But wow this is a long horrible chapter, well not that long but I'm not gonna have WiFi for a while so if I don't upload I'm sorry, but I will be writing a lot so expect a lot of annoying uploads when I'm back


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