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The next morning I woke up on the same beige couch I sat on drinking hot chocolate. I looked around the room to find Luke cuddled into the loves eat, snoring softly. I smiled as he stirred slightly and opened his eyes blinking a few times. He smiled at me and I smiled back, running my eyes. I pulled my phone out of my back pocket, seeing multiple texts from my parents. I replied just to tell them I'm safe and then ignored them after that.

Luke got up and walked to the other boys rooms, waking them up for breakfast.

"I'm making waffles!" He yelled, and suddenly everyone was awake. They walked into the kitchen rather sluggishly and sat at the bar seats. I joined them and Calum turned to me, keeping his voice low so Luke wouldn't hear.

"Luke here couldn't resist sleeping next to you. He fought for the love seat." He smirked devilishly and I laughed, keeping my cool.

"Oh yeah, he wouldn't stop arguing that you might get afraid." Michael said a look of disgust on his face.

"If he could've he woulda slept right next to you." Ashton giggled, a sly look on his face. I didn't say anything because I didn't know what to say.

"Oh look we've caught her speechless." Mikey said, trying to erase the awkward atmosphere that he built up. We laughed quietly as the smell of pancake batter filled my nose.

The boys heckled Luke to make the pancakes faster and he cursed at them and tried to go faster. He ended up dropping a pancake on the floor and Miley volunteered of eat it. We settled in for breakfast, Luke pulling up a chair next to me.

Ashton snorted as the butter that was supposed to go on his pancake slid down his nose.

The boys stared at him with a look in their eyes like Ashton had stupid written all over his face.

"And to think you're 20 now." Luke mumbled. I smiled. From the looks of it I didn't think Ashton was 20 either.

"We'll hey you're turning 18 in the summer!" Ashton argued back.

"Were already 18." Michael and Calum said proudly in between the fighting.

"I'm turning 16 in like three days." I smile remembering how excited Shelby was when I told her I was having a double birthday sleepover with her. Oh frick Shelby. I'll have to fall to her later.

"Wow, we gotta hang out or celebrate or something!" Calum laughed and I joined in.

"Unfortunately I hardly know you guy at all." I say, and they sigh.

"We'll we can change that. You free tomorrow? We can go out to eat somewhere and you can get to know is better." Luke smiles and the boys agree. I mentally scan my calendar.

"You caught me on a good day. I think I'm free tomorrow." I smile and shove some more waffle in my mouth.

"Alright you can meet us at the cafè downtown, the new one." And I nod. I think I know where that is.

We all finished breakfast and my mom texted asking me to please come Homs. I couldn't ignore her much longer.

"Sorry guys, but I have to go. My mom is bugging me." My heart sinks a bit.

"Are you sure?" Luke asks, remembering what I told him about the night before. I nod because I probably would've choked on my words. I pulled on my now dry coat and grabbed my other clothes.

"You can return my clothes tomorrow." Luke blushed and I turned away. After all the boys begged me for my number, I walked home in the snow, the sun making the crystal white snow sparkle.

I wrapped my jacket closer, snuggling into Luke's baggy shirt. I smelled the scent of Luke's cologne and minty toothpaste that wafted from the shirt. I smiled as I walked down my street. I dreaded approaching my front door but relentlessly I lifted my hand and tugged on the doorknob.

My mother was there as if she knew I was coming at that exact moment. She was tapping her foot, scanning her fingernails casually. I tried of scoot past her but of course I failed. She wrapped her cold fingers around my arm. I turned with a huff.

"You can't just run off to the unknown and expect to come back and go to your room!" My mother said, a hysteria in her voice.

"We'll what am I supposed to say?" I growl back.

"Maybe that you're sorry or where you went!" She replied.

"Fine I was just running and a nice boy let me stay at his house and lent me some dry clothes. I'm going to my room." But then I spotted someone on the couch with familiar graying hair and the fathers day necklace I made him last year.

"What is he doing here?" I asked not bothering to keep my voice down. "I told him to leave!"

"Honey we have to discuss things before he leaves, which he will." My mother raised her voice in the end to hint of my father. He didn't deserve to stay and she knew it to.

"We'll you better discuss fast, because I'm not staying if you don't." And with that I stormed upstairs. I looked at my little brother Hayden's closed door. I knocked softly and allowed myself to come in. I saw Hayden sitting on his bed, face down.

"Hey buddy." I said quietly. He turned to look at me, pushing himself off the bed. He walked towards me with open arms and he hugged me tightly as if I would run away again. I hugged his back, snuggling him into my jacket.

"Please don't leave again." He whispers and I begin to cry. I bend down on my knees so I'm level with him. I stare into his bloodshot hazel eyes and rosy cheeks. I have him a watery smile.

"Don't worry I won't." And with that he hugged me again and I carried him over as I began to feel my shirt getting slightly damp where his head was lying.

He turned to me again bracing himself with his elbow.

"Why are mom and dad screaming so much?" He asked staring me in the eyes. I ruffled his dark brown hair and sighed.

"They're having trouble with their relationship right now. I think they both want to see different people and try new things. They weren't completely happy with each other so maybe they just need a little break. They'll probably get back together don't worry." I try to tell him a happier version of the truth but he still cried.

"So mom and dad are separated?" He asked. I nod sadly and he just hugs me. We both sit together crying on his race car bedspread for the rest of the day.


Hey hey hey I kinda like where this is going.

Yah know feedback would be awesome thanks ;)

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