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After many battles with the boys in Just Dance, I sank into the couch, sweaty and tired. Michael seemed to be just getting started.

"Alright who's next? I'll take you all down, you pathetic mortals!" Mikey yelled and I laughed, though it hurt my stomach. Don't judge. You haven't played Just Dance until you've played with Mikey.

"Mike quit!" I could hear Calum yell from the kitchen. I knew he was digging into the Vegemite. Just the thought made me gag, considering the unfortunate event that took place earlier.

I hopped up and went to the kitchen, suddenly starving. All I had was a Vegemite cracker, which didn't go so we'll.

"Hey got anything better than Vegemite?" I walked into the kitchen, looking in the cupboards for food.

"Yah we have some left over pizza from lunch in the fridge." Ashton said from the little booth to my left. Calum was sitting on the counter, continuously spreading Vegemite on crackers. His expression was blank.

"It's the Vegemite zombie." I said sarcastically, nodding my head in Calum's direction. Ashton giggled and I did the same.

"Hey!" Calum shouted and I just laughed under my breath.

I grabbed a pizza and slid into the long seat across from him. It felt normal on the bus. Like a portable home. Of course I was sharing it with 4 boys, but it didn't matter to me. They kept the energy positive.

I devoured the pizza and a Coke, throwing it in the trash.

"Hey where's the bathroom?" I asked Ashton. From the booth, he looked so small I almost laughed.

"It's over here." He got up and brushed off the food on his hands on his black jeans.

He lead me past the beds and a few feet before the back room there was a little door. He opened it and before I could even step in, I heard Mikey yelp from inside. Before I could see anything Ashton slammed the door.

"Jeez Mikey that's why you lock the door you moron!" He shouted through the door. My face felt like it was on fire.

"Was that Jess?" Michael asked, humiliation in his voice. My face continued to get brighter.

"Yeah." Ashton was laughing now.

"I didn't see anything!" I screeched and now Ashton was laughing even harder. I just covered my ears and turned away.

A few seconds later, Mikey came out, except now he was wearing pants and a shirt.

"Sorry about that." He blushed even harder than me.

"Nope I just have to go to the bathroom." I pushed by him and yanked open the door, careful to lock the door behind me.

It wasn't super small. There was even a small shower. I smiled when I saw all of the hair products, obviously Luke's, sprawled on the counter.

I brushed the hair out of my face. I bent down in the small space and pulled my hair into a quick pony tail to keep it from sticking to my face.

I came back out of the bathroom and walked to the back room, not knowing where else to go.

I plopped down on the sofa, desperate for some relaxation.

Suddenly Luke was leaning against my side but I didn't have the energy to put up a fight. Besides I was going to be spending the next four weeks with him. I couldn't hate him forever.

Ashton came back in from the kitchen and plopped down next to me, throwing him arm around my shoulder. I could feel his muscles relaxing and a look of zen took over his face. He was so laid back I found it fascinating. His shirt had small holes in it where I knew he cut them with scissors. So did Luke's and Calum's and Mikey's.

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