|02|- Y/n Lestrade

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Notes: Thank you to those who read the first part and for the comments and support of my friends here on Wattpad. Here's the second installment of Wolf, please, enjoy and give feedback, I'd love to hear what you're thinking!


Three days into this case, and Sherlock could tell he was distracted, and very well so. This case wasn't the only thing that puzzled him, that girl. Y/n, she puzzled him greatly, her reaction, she knows something, something that he doesn't. If anyone saw a random letter painted onto a wall, they would think nothing of it, what's there to think? But to be startled by it? Why?

Sherlock had remained in his flat for the duration of the weekend, pondering over the few leads he had at the moment. He's dug around, getting as much information on Y/n as he could, so far, he's only found out that she and Lestrade do know each other. On a personal level, with her being his niece and all. Sherlock had his homeless network keeping an eye on her, and the people she's come in contact with. He was trying to connect her to this case, because he knew she was a missing piece that would probably solve this whole thing.

But, there was something about this case he just didn't like. He doesn't know what, but he'll surely find out.

"Are you alright Sherlock?" John, who was sitting in his chair across from him pulls the detective from his thoughts. Sherlock blinks, his fingers were pressed together, his eyebrows furrowed as he stared blankly.

"I'm not entirely sure, John. This case... "

"Well, you do like a challenge," John says, his eyes on the computer screen in front of him. Sherlock had asked John to find out whatever he could about Tyler Olson. So far, they know that he was American, and relocated to England years ago to attend Cambridge.

They've contacted his parents and his wife to see if they knew anything about anyone who'd have the ambition to kill off Olson. But both parties came up blank, and it's about riding Sherlock up a wall.

Fzzzt Fzzzt

The detective's eyes snap to his phone, where it was laying on his lap. Finally, Sherlock thought, getting off his chair with a new found excitement. Causing John to give him a look, "What?" he asks, watching Sherlock carefully, "Found something about the case?"

"Yes," he nods, grabbing his scarf and coat from where they laid on the couch. "I have something to see to, I won't be long,"

Sherlock quickly made his way down the stairs, stepping out into the cold night. Putting his coat on, he walks along Baker street, Northumberland street was only a five minute walk from there. Sherlock wished he knew why the sudden appearance of this Y/n Lestrade bothered him so much.

Of course he's probably seen her around the precinct on his many visits to Scotland yard. But he just couldn't recall, it's like she was invisible and then, just there. It was strange indeed. He's never even heard Lestrade talk about her before three days ago, well, perhaps he had. But you know Sherlock, blissfully unaware of things he doesn't care to notice.

It didn't take long for Sherlock to reach where he wanted, and as always, Northumberland street was busy. Cars driving by, people passing everywhere, either minding their own business, or like Sherlock was doing, trying to mind someone else's.

And she wasn't that hard to find either, Sherlock spotted her just as she stepped out of a cab and walked into a cafe. She wasn't dressed for a date, she was casually dressed, so it was possible that she was just meeting a friend, that or someone she's very comfortable with. Moments after, she and shorter redheaded woman come out and they both walk up the street.

Silently, on the other side of the street, Sherlock walked, keeping an eye on the two of them. Anyone of course would find this strange, because he's practically stalking the girl. But she's apart of his case, and he has his rights to monitor people he deems suspects. They may have been talking about something nonsensical, but from a very young age, Sherlock had learnt to trust his instincts. And he could tell that whatever words they were exchanging was anything but nonsensical.

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