|03| - Your Move

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Thank you guys for being so patient with me for this update! thank you to all who voted and commented on the last part, you guys are awesome! Enjoy!


Y/n Lestrade makes her way into Scotland Yard. Despite being suspended, she had a few things to wrap up. She had to be careful, in light of the things that has been happening. Two are dead, and Holmes is on the case.

He's smart, she knows, and sooner or later, he'd figure it out.

"You know, I think it's best you go see Holmes,"

Sarah Willows walked next to her, sipping from her travel mug that was no doubt filled with coffee. Y/n scoffs at her friend, "No way. He's already sticking his nose in..." she says, causing the redhead to throw an icy glare her way.

"–Y/n, this is getting dangerous. It's not a game anymore." Sarah says, taking hold of Y/n's arm causing her to stop. Of course, Y/n shares her worries. But that doesn't mean she's not going to do what she's has to.

"It was never a game, Sarah. You of all people should know that."

Y/n says nothing more afterwards, continuing her walk in. She and Sarah had gone their separate ways but not without promise to see each other later. A lot of things had been on the girl's mind as of late, things she couldn't shake.

Y/n allowed her feet to take her to her uncle's office. Passing Sally Donovan and Phillip Anderson on the way. Both of which said nothing to her, probably avoiding getting matching bruises to the one's Anderson's sporting on his neck from Y/n and his last encounter. She walks silently to the door, before the voice of Donovan stopped her, "He stepped out for a bit, Y/n. He'll be back in a minute though." Y/n raises her thumb over her head and walked into Greg's office anyway.
She sat herself down and not moments later, her uncle came in.

"Y/n?" Greg was holding a steaming cup of coffee, dark circles under his eyes tells that he's been there all night. The recent case was stressing him out, as much as it was anyone else. "You could've called, you know." he says with a tired sigh, sitting down behind his desk to face her.

"I wanted to check up on you, when things like this happen, you rarely have time to do anything else."

Greg smiles taking a long drink from the dark mug, "That stuffs not good for you, you know, Uncle." Y/n says, shaking her head at him disapprovingly. 

"Oh Yeah," Greg says, pulling a face, "Ever since you came off it, you've been all pissy about me drinking it." 

Y/n rolls her eyes playfully, smiling lightly. Greg's smile fades and he watched her carefully, "Why are you really here, Y/n? I know you didn't come in just to talk about coffee."

"I wanted you to let me back on,"

"Y/n," Greg groans, "You know I can't do that. You we're suspended for a reason."

"Oh c'mon," Y/n sighs, sinking down into her chair, "I'm withering away here. I don't think you've noticed but I don't exactly have a hobby." 

Greg leans forward in his chair, narrowing his eyes at her, "Well, start collecting stamps. You're not back on until your days are up. It's only two more days, anyway. Go see a movie or something, or whatever kids do this days."

"Oh, I can see just how much you love me," Y/n says teasingly, scrunching up her nose cutely. Greg smiles at this, taking another drink of his coffee before sliding the cup across the table to her. "Oh no, no, no. Not that again. I'm off it, you know. I took a vow," Y/n raises both of her hands, shaking them.

"A vow I haven't seen you take yet," Greg says, suddenly remembering when she was younger. His brother would bring her by when he was visiting or when he'd send her for holidays. She was the devil in disguise, as good old Elvis sang. She had always been trouble, but you can never tell by just looking at her once.

The door on Y/n's left opens quietly and Donovan looks in the room, "Sir, the freak's here to see you." she says shortly before pushing the door open wider. Sherlock walks in, and Y/n narrows her eyes at Sally. Even though Sherlock looked like he hadn't even heard her, she just knew he felt just a bit hurt.

She's never really liked her, she's a good officer and all. Her head's in the right place when it comes to doing what needs to be done, but other than that, she's just plain horrid. Y/n felt Sherlock's eyes on her and she looks up at him before looking at Greg.

"Right then, I be off. I'll text you at some point." She walks around the table to press a kiss to her Uncle's forehead, "Get some rest, okay?" She brushes past Sherlock, offering a small smile and a quiet, "Goodbye, Holmes."


Sherlock walks into his brother's office at the Diogenes club. Mycroft was sitting behind his desk, as though he was expecting his brother's arrival. Silently, Mycroft drops a dark file and outs it on the table, sliding it over.

"Normally, I would not evolve you in things that is strictly M-16 and classified, but I think it's necessary this time." Mycroft says as Sherlock opens the file, his eyes scanning over the contents.

His eyebrows furrowed and he casts a brief glance at his brother, "Xavier Garrison?" he questions.

"Yes, he used to run a smuggling scheme some years ago." Mycroft leans back into his chair, clasping his hands together on the desk. "He had a small team, they went by WOLF. We had a small issue with them for a while, but just before Garrison did, they disappeared."

"This has absolutely nothing to do with my case, Mycroft." Sherlock deadpans, and Mycroft smiles.

"Then you should take a closer look at the photo."

Sherlock looks down at the file in his hands, pulling the photograph free of the paperclip. Holding it up, his eyes scans it, and just in the corner of it, Tyler Olson and Kate Francis stood off to the side. Also another woman, but her back was turned.

So they did know each other outside of Cambridge. But this photo means nothing, it could have been a coincidence that Olson and Francis had been in the shot. But then, they could've known each other. People know people, that is how humans get by, they interact. But Sherlock was still trying to connect this to her.

What's her part in this?


It was late when Y/n was walking home. She didn't mind the solitude for she was often alone, but what she did mind, was someone following her.

The person had been on her trail for about an hour now, she thought that maybe it was just someone going in the same direction as she was. But after seeing them duck in an out of the shadows every time she'd look over her shoulder, she knew something was up. 

Of course, she's not as half as worried as she should be. Having a lot of training in hand to hand combat, the girl can more than just throw a few punches. She had an idea of who it was, the person following her. She saw just a bit of his coat a while back, and she knows only one person who wears a belstaff coat like that one.

Y/n eventually stops, turning around with a sigh, "What are you doing, Holmes?" she asks, crossing her arms with a cocked brow. Watching as Sherlock steps out from the shadow of a building she just passed, he was watching her carefully.

"So you do know me," he mutters.

"I don't think I wouldn't know you even if I tried really hard," Y/n says, "What are you doing?" she asks again, serious now.

"Following you, that should have been obvious." Sherlock replies.

"I can see that. But why?"

Sherlock eyes narrow, "You, you know something about my case, don't you?" he asks, walking to her.

Y/n chuckles softly, shaking her head, "My, my, Holmes, you are clever." she smirks.

"Clever is an insult, I prefer Genius"

"Well, Mr Genius. Just solve the case."

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