|10| - East Of Eden

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Notes: Oh wow, hello again, I thought it was about time to have this updated - says me after not updating for eight months :). I'm so sorry about the delay, this chapter actually went way differently than I'd originally planned, but, it's allll coming together :)) Enjoy guys! Hope you're all being safe out there!


Y/n didn't wait for Sherlock's answer, and instead turned on her heel and raised her arm to flag a cab down. Not a second had passed before her hand was grabbed and tugged to her side and Sherlock was pulling her away from the edge of the pavement to stand near the staircase to the door of 221 B.

"What's your problem?" Y/n snapped, pulling her hand away from his, her lips set in a frown as she stared up at him, "I need to go."

"As far as I am concerned, you are not going anywhere."

Y/n rose an eyebrow at him, a scoff leaving her lips as her eyebrows furrowed. She searched his eyes for his meaning, he couldn't possibly be serious. She couldn't deny that his words had added a tinge of anger to the whirlwind of emotions she already felt. Sadness, helplessness and guilt --- so much guilt. It burrowed in her chest and squeezed tightly around her heart in a vice grip. She wanted to grip at her hair, scream, anything but stand her and waste the precious moments she had.

She took a single step away from Shetlock, to place distance between them --- because there was no reason for them to be standing so close. Her fingers curled into her palm as she thought over her next move, digging so deep and harsh she thought she might draw blood.

He couldn't stop her, the most Sherlock could do was run his mouth and his words would do nothing but flow through her ears. His eyes showed again, an emotion Y/n couldn't place, and she didn't allow herself time to try and figure it out. She didn't have that time.


The detective seemed taken aback by the use of his surname, something flashing in his eyes then. He visibly became distant, whatever emotion that were in his forever changing eyes was suddenly gone, replaced by the coldness that she had grown accustomed to. He looked away from her a moment, staring across Baker street at nothing in particular, his thoughts remaining trapped behind his tightly sealed lips. A furrow of his brow and the curling of his lips showed his displeasure.

His gaze shifted towards her again, eyes matching the colour of the clouds that rolled rampant in the sky above them, grey and dark, the colour of the sky just before a raging storm. The air between them seemed to evaporate with every passing second, as they stared eachother down in silent challenge. He didn't want her to leave, and she was sure as hell she was going to despite him trying to stop her.

"I told Lestrade that I would take care of you," Sherlock broke the silence between them, his fingers tapping lightly against the material of his coat. "I am responsible for you whether you like it or not."

"And I told you that I can take care of myself." Y/n snapped, her tone low and harsh, "Whether you like it or not, I'm going to the hospital. You can stand here and wait until I get back if you want, but I have to know that she's okay."

She left him standing there, and a breath of relief left her as he said nothing more. She didn't bother to look at him when she stopped a cab, or when it drove away.

This could very well be a trap to lure her out, to play right into Moriarty's hands, but her worry for her friend outweighed her rationality. The right thing to do would have been to listen to Sherlock, and perhaps devise a proper movement, he had been in his right mind to try and stop her.

Y/n sometimes detested her stubborn nature, way too many times had it placed her in situations she barely got out of. The woman sighed, pressing her cool fingers to the skin of her temples in an attempt to sooth the headache that had begun to grow there, a deep ache that pounded hard with every pulse of her blood through her veins. She rested her head against the glass window, staring out of it, her teeth worrying at her bottom lip.

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