Not Involed ~ NCT

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Chapter 1,
Jeno flopped down on the sofa of the Ravenclaw common room drowning in charms homework but he couldn't concentrate on anything but Jaemin.. And Renjun ever since that time in potion when Jeno told Jaemin to stop 'loving him' as a signal to stop touching him in front of Snape but Jeno now thinks he took it to literally as the next day Jeno went into potions to find Jaemin sitting with Renjun and not him but Jeno didn't think too much of it until Jaemin wouldn't sit beside him in anything anymore. Soon the whole school was suspicious if they were dating now.

The next day....
Doyoung woke up to find Jaemin pacing back and forth loudly.
"What are you doing?" Doyoung groaned
" I can't stop thinking about him!" Jaemin exclaimed looking up from pacing.
"Who?" Doyoung groaned just as Jaemin was about to answer Chenle burst in wearing his Ravenclaw pajamas waking up the rest of Slytherin in the process.
"What the hell!?" Yuta screeched
" It's Jeno and Renjun their fighting" Chenle exclaimed out of breath from running.
"Over what?" Jaemin asked worried for both of them.
"YOU!" Chenle screeched.
"Who started it?" Jaemin asked while him and Chenle left the Slytherin dorms the rest of the Slytherin boys following close behind.
"Jeno did!" Chenle said unimpressed.

They entered the Ravenclaw common room to find Jeno had Renjun by the hair and Renjun was trying to get him to let go by trying to tie land him.
"You son of a bitch!" Jeno screamed pulling Renjun closer to the ground by his hair and proceeded to kick him in the stomach that was all Jaemin had to see same for a few other Ravenclaws a few Hufflepuffs and Gryffindors before running in to break up the fight. There was not a scratch on Jeno but Renjun was in a horrible condition.
"Get him under control while I take Renjun to the Hospital Wing!" Jaemin screamed eying Jeno angrily as he scooped Renjun up into a bridle lift and ran off to the Hospital Wing.
"What the fuck is your problem?!" Mark screamed staring at Jeno in disgust.
"I'm sick of them two being together, it was supposed to be me and Jaemin not him and Renjun!" Jeno screamed.
Mark slapped him across the face.
"As your friend it is my job to tell you people can have a change in feelings for someone, you of all people should know that!" Mark said now looking very upset at the situation.
"Look I'm sorry for what happened in first year, it was wrong!" Jeno said staring at the floor in disgust.
"It doesn't matter now I've moved on!" He said smiling at a brown- haired, brown-eyed Gryffindor known as Haechan.
"You can let go of me their gone now!" Jeno said all smug looking at the Hufflepuff Taeyong and Gryffindor Johnny that were restraining him tightly.
"Alright, fine release him!" Mark told the boys looking rather concerned but they let him go and stood beside Mark.
'I'll teach that son of a bitch!' Jeno thought staring at the Ravenclaw entrance angrily.
When he thought no-one was looking Jeno shoved past two Gryffindors and made a break for the hospital wing but not long after did Johnny just catch him outside the hospital wing doors.
"What did Mark say about running away!" Johnny hissed trying to keep his voice down so Jaemin couldn't hear from inside the hospital wing.
"I don't care about what Mark said, I'm not going to let Renjun get Jaemin all to himself he will have to share" Jeno hissed also trying to keep his voice down and with that said he turned on his heel and started toward the great hall as the fight took place quite early in the morning and it was now breakfast time.

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