Not involved~ NCT

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They walked out of HoneyDukes with more sweets then they could ever need.
"That was embarrassing" Doyoung whispered to Jaemin as they walked back to the castle.
As they continued to the castle student passed them whispering under their breath and sniggering as well.
" That was very clever of you!" Mason shouted catching up with them
"Stop it!" Jimin shouted catching up with Mason
"Shut up, Mason!" Jaemin sighed losing his temper with this prick how could he be dating Jeno
"Come on Mason!" Jimin sighed grabbing Mason by the hand and and running to the castle.
"We better go to Renjun is getting released today!" Jaemin exclaimed as him and Doyoung ran to the castle.
Renjun filled his bag with all the gifts his friends gave him chocolate frogs from Jaemin, fizzing wizzbees from his study group 'dream' and a bouquet of roses from Mason.
The name didn't ring a bell but Renjun smiled at the kind gesture he draped his bag over his shoulder and picked up the roses to leave.
On his way out Renjun bumped into someone dropping his roses
"Oh, sorry!" Renjun spluttered bending down to pick up the roses, but the stranger got to them first
"I see you got my roses!" The stranger exclaimed, Renjun looked up he was absolutely gorgeous. "You were the one who gave me these?" Renjun was gobsmacked, as he stared at the stranger with his mouth hanging open. He quickly shut his mouth blushing profusely.

"I would like to get to know you a bit better" Mason smirked moving his hand down Renjun arm feeling the boy squirm at his touch, he found this amusing. "What's wrong, Renjun you scared?" Mason teased forcefully grabbing the boy by the hand and pulling him closer to a point they were so close their noses were touching.

"What the fuck are you doing, I have a boyfriend?!" Renjun exclaimed trying to break free but Mason's grip was too strong. "Let go!" Renjun screamed tears wallowing in his eyes as Mason's grip was hurting him.

"Not for long!" Mason smirked grabbing Renjun by the hair tilting his head back, Mason then forced the contents of a love potion down Renjuns throat.

Renjun wiped away his tears opening his eyes to see a Mason in front of him he couldn't hold back anymore and grabbed Mason by his tie pulling him into a snog which was extremely passionate.

"Woah!" Mason managed after Renjun pulled away, "it worked!"

Jaemin's POV:

Jaemin stood there shocked what the hell was Mason doing. Jaemin lunged forward but Doyoung caught him,

"Stop!, we might be able to get some tea on him like, he disturbs the sick or something"

"What the fuck kinda idea is that?... I like it!" Jaemin exclaimed nodding at Doyoung at that they ducked around the corner and watched the scenes unfold. Jaemin smiled when Renjun said he was his boyfriend,

"What the fuck does he mean by 'not for long'!?" Jaemin asked Doyoung who was focused on recording everything just then they saw Mason open the love potion, for Jaemin everything went silent and slowed down like a slow-mo in an action film. Before he knew it he was running toward Mason to try and knock the potion out of his hands, Jaemin's hands skimmed the bottle as he fell to the floor he was too late. Tears start streaming down his face as he watches helplessly as his boyfriend is taken from him, to make matters worse in walks Jeno holding a bouquet of roses for Mason when he sees the scene unfolding before him he drops the roses on the floor. he sees his boyfriend kissing someone else, he sees Doyoung recording everything and sees Jaemin lying on the floor his hand still stretched in front of him from his efforts to stop this from happening, the tears running down his cheeks

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