Not Involved ~ NCT

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Jaemin arrived at the Great Hall and made a beeline for the Slytherin table to tell his friends what he saw outside the hospital wing.
Jaemin sat down beside Doyoung who was enjoying his cereal.
"Hey" Jaemin sighed starving from the fight and Jeno
"Hey, what's up you seem upset!" Doyoung exclaimed looking at his close friend concerned
"I think Jeno has a new boyfriend" Jaemin signed
"Who?" Doyoung questioned just then his question was answered when a tall brown haired boy sat down at the table with Jeno on his arm. The boy looked unfamiliar he wondered why he didn't know him if he was in his house.
"He must be a nobody!" Doyoung thought eyeing the unfamiliar boy while slurping up the rest of his milk.

"What the fuck are you sitting here for?!" Yuta exclaimed eyeing Jeno angrily the unfamiliar boy almost chocked on his toast at the sudden outburst
"I'm sitting with Mason what else would I be doing here" Jeno spoke eyeing Yuta angrily
"Being a pain in the neck!" Yuta exclaimed answering Jeno's question
"What did you say!" Jeno breathed annoyed now
"You heard me you bastard, your just here to try to make Jaemin jealous because he left your sorry ass for Renjun and you decided to pick up this nobody and come and sit at our table and feed your nobody boyfriend toast in front of Jaemin you cunt!" Yuta screamed attracting attention from the other students
"Your just jealous my boyfriend can do stuff with me!" Jeno screamed fuming from Yuta's opinion of him and Mason Yuta then had had enough
"You wee fucker, you know winwin is in the hospital wing after he was attacked with magic and is in a coma!" Yuta spat tears running down his cheeks, ( WinWin was in a coma due to a stunning spell gone wrong cast by 3 sixth years after he was jumped and battered by them) at that moment Jeno couldn't believe what he just said about winwin
"Yuta I'm sorry I didn't mean that I just got anger!" Jeno screamed frightened of what was going to happen to him
"You liar!" Yuta screamed lunging at Jeno no-one tryed to stop the fight not even Mason he just sat there disgusted at what his boyfriend had said before quickly get to his feet and dragging Jeno out of the Great Hall by his tie.
"Why did you say that?" Mason spoke quietly so no-one could hear them
"It was just in the moment I was angry and it just came out!, I didn't mean it!" Jeno said sobbing Mason pulled him close into a comforting bear hug
"I know I know" Mason whispered stroking Jeno's head to comfort him.

Later in Charms.....

Doyoung had successfully cast Reparo after studying his copy of the 5th year book of spells for almost 15 minutes. He looked over at Yuta who was smiling when he successfully repaired the seramic bunny rabbit Doyoung was glad he was enjoying himself after the breakfast incident.

Meanwhile in Defence Against The Dark Arts....

Jaemin stood at the sound of the bell signalling that it was time for break. Jaemin made a beeline for the door but was stopped by Mason

"Hey could move your in my way" Jaemin asked politely before looking up and seeing who it was
"Jesus, what do you want Mason?" Jaemin said tired of having to see him in every class
"What's the deal with you and Jeno?" Mason asked looking at Jaemin awkwardly
"What?" Jaemin asked perplexed at what the boy might mean by the question
"Every hour of everyday he mentions you!" Mason said blushing awkwardly staring at Jaemin
"Does he!" Jaemin said eyes full of excitement before realising Mason was staring directly into his eyes
"Ahem, I mean really?" Jaemin said trying to sound more shocked
"Yes!" Mason exclaimed eyeing Jaemin with suspicion
"You still like him don't you?" Mason smirked looking at the flustered boy
"No! I don't I'm with Renjun" Jaemin spoke defensive
"Keep telling yourself that!" Mason smirked turned on his heel and left the Defence Against The Dark Arts Classroom leaving Jaemin to question everything.

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