Not Involved ~ NCT

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Jaemin met up with Doyoung to tell him about the encounter with Mason and how he felt as they walked to Hogsmeade, they made a visit to the tree broomsticks getting a butterbeer each,
"So you still like Jeno?" Doyoung asked sipping his ButterBeer and staring at Jaemin confused,   "YES!" Jaemin exclaimed feeling extremely guilty as Renjun was getting released that afternoon.
"Well, I kinda had a feeling you still had feelings as you technically never broke up" Doyoung exclaimed taking another sip of his ButterBeer
"What's up?" Doyoung asked Jaemin trying to follow his gaze
"Excuse me a second.." Jaemin's voice trailed off as he left Doyoung standing in the middle of Hogmeade by himself
"What are you doing here?" Jaemin asked eying the boy angrily the boy didn't answer
"Are you following me MASON!" Jaemin asked not in the mood to be dealing with his bullshit
"No, I'm not following you!" Mason exclaimed a bit taken aback
"I'm waiting on my friend, he's getting us ButterBeer" Mason said smirking
"Is it Jeno!" Jaemin asked shifting awkwardly where he stood
"No!, it's just my buddy Jimin (Park Jimin)
"Oh" Jaemin whispered relieved to not have to see the Jeno at this time with his feeling all messed up
"Oh, hello there!" A voice spoke from behind them, Jaemin had never meet the owner of the soft voice but he was beautiful
"Oh, hey Jimin this is Jaemin Jaemin this is Jimin" Mason exclaimed grinning at the sight of the boy
"Hello its a pleasure to finally meet you Masons told me all about you!" Jaemin exclaimed smiling brightly at Jaemin. Jaemin could have swore he felt his heart melt before shaking the boys hand
"The pleasures all mine!" Jaemin spoke winking at the cotton candy pink haired boy in front of him
"Well, we should getting going goodbye Jaemin" Mason said winking at Jaemin and leaving with Jimin on his arm
"Goodbye!" Jaemin shouting after them his cheeks blushing extremely.

Jaemin walked back to Doyoung who was saying goodbye to Jaehyun
"What was that about?" Doyoung giggled sipping his ButterBeer
"Oh, that's Masons friend Jimin!" Jaemin exclaimed. Staring at the boys entering HoneyDukes Sweet Shop
"So where do you want to go now?" Jaemin asked following Doyoungs stare
"HoneyDukes!" Doyoung smirked at Jaemin before running towards the door of the sweet shop
"Urgh" Jaemin groaned before running after Doyoung.

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