Not Involed ~ NCT

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Chapter 2,
The Great Hall was buzzing as word had already reached all the students of the fight as half the school witnessed the whole thing from start to end.
The fight had only just happened earlier that morning but people were already choosing sides dividing Hogwarts in half. Jeno witnessed two Slytherin girls arguing over who was better outside the great hall as he approached overhearing their conversation.
"Jeno is so much better!" The blond one exclaimed shoving the other girl hard.
"NO!, Renjun is better and the poor soul is in the hospital wing under extreme medical care from Madame Pomfrey" the other girl said shoving the blond girl back only harder making the blond girl trip and fall backwards. Then the blond girl rose to her feet and stomped into the Great Hall.
Jeno had to confess he felt bad when he heard what state Renjun was in he had to talk to someone. He made his way to the hospital wing when his great friend Mason appeared in front of him.
"Hello!" Mason exclaimed happy to see Jeno was alright but just then Jeno opened up about the fight and needing someone to love.
"sure!" Mason exclaimed who had been waiting for this moment forever.
Just then Jeno heard Jaemin saying goodbye to Renjun and he saw the door handle turn he quickly grabbed Mason by the tie and pulled him into a passionate make out session right there in front of the hospital wing.
Just then the doors creeked open and out came Jaemin fully dressed in his Slytherin robes he looked up from his time table and saw them Jeno and Mason practically sucking the faces off each other.
"Get a room!" Jaemin said sounding a bit defeated as he still loved Jeno.
"Why should I listen to y-!" Jeno was cut off by Jaemin grabbing him by the tie and forcefully pressing his lips against his own before stopping.
"Because I said so" he smirked, slapped Jeno's ass turned on his heel and walked off to go get Breakfast.
Jeno stood there speechless before grabbing Mason by the hand muttering 'your not going to get me that easily' and walked the other way to the Great Hall as he still hadn't had any Breakfast.

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