Not Involved ~ NCT

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{Jeno's POV}
Jeno dropped the bouquet of roses he had bought in HoneyDukes for Mason as he watched him kiss Renjun he couldn't help but get worked up he marched up to Mason
"What the fuck are you doing?" Jeno spat staring at Mason waiting for a reply
"What does it look like?" He asked looking at Jeno like he meant nothing to him holding Renjun's hand
"Why are you kissing someone else?" Jeno asked clenching his fists Jaemin watched the scene unfold before him, Jeno fighting for the one he loved while Jaemin lay on the floor crying like a child
Jaemin stood up and placed his hand on Jeno's shoulder Mason looked taken aback,
"Jaemin what are you doing?" Mason questioned letting go of Renjun's hand squaring up to Jaemin millimetres away from his face
"Mason, get away from him" Jeno stood in front of Jaemin and shoved Mason away
"Why are you protecting that prick?" Mason spat looking at Jaemin walking toward him cracking his fingers smirking
"MASON, STOP!" Jeno screamed moving backwards away from Mason still holding Jaemin behind him
"Get out of my way, Jeno!" Mason screamed getting impatient watching his boyfriend hold on to Jaemin tightly protecting him
"You wanna hurt him you have to hurt me first!" Jeno yelled closing his eyes turned around and wrapped his arms around Jaemin's waist waiting for a punch or kick it came and it came hard he fell to the ground clutching his back where Mason kicked him.
Jaemin ran at Mason punching him across the face Mason tackled him they rolled around for a while Jaemin used all his energy to get on top of Mason and landed a few punches he was then threw off of Mason by Renjun Mason then walked over and kicked Jaemin a couple times and punched him a couple of times.
Jeno finally managed to get up and ran over to Jaemin and stood in front of him so that Mason ended up landing a punch on him instead Mason immediately stopped and realised what he just did and left the hospital wing in a hurry.
"Mason wait!" Renjun screamed but before he ran after him he stared at Jaemin and then ran out of the hospital wing after Mason.
Jeno started crying he turned around and crawled over to Jaemin
"Are you ok?" Jeno sobbed looking at Jaemin's bloody and bruised face Jaemin reached out his hand and placed it on Jeno's face wiping his tears away Doyoung felt like he was invading on a moment so he stopped recording and placed his phone in his pocket and left the hospital wing.
"Sorry for being a coward and letting you get kicked in the back I'm sure it hurt" Jaemin whispered staring up at Jeno the boy he tryed to make jealous by pretending to date Renjun and here he was crying because of him he felt awful about it and the fact every part of his body ached
"Jaemin it's not your fault, I choose to jump in front of you me not you I made that choice because I love you" Jeno whispered as tears trickled down his cheeks just then Jaemin managed to sit up and planted a kiss on Jeno's lips they stayed like that until they heard footsteps, they pulled apart and saw Madam Pomfrey appear
"Oh goodness what happened here, let me get you a bed so i can fix you up" she walked over and helped Jaemin off the ground and sat him on a bed and cleaned up the blood, bandaged him up and gave him cream for his pains she also cleaned up Jeno's blood, bandaged him up and gave him cream for his back pain.

{Mason's PoV}
I ran out of the hospital wing and bumped into Yuta who was knocked to the floor with a thud!
"S-sorry" Mason breathed out in a hurry when he tried to rush past Yuta stood up and grabbed Mason by the arm staring into his eyes,
"Are you ok?" Yuta asked concerned looking at Mason dead in the eyes so he couldn't lie but still Mason plastered on his famous happy smile. Yuta wasn't convinced though so he asked again
"Are you sure you are ok?, do you want to talk about it?" Yuta asked gently rubbing Mason's arm with his thumb smiling at him to let Mason know it was ok to spill his guts if he wanted to.
"no" Mason managed before sliding down the wall sobbing his heart out Yuta sat down beside him and placed Mason's head on his shoulder and wrapped his arm around Mason's shoulder and stroked his hair in a comforting way.
"Let it out, let it all out" Yuta whispered feeling Mason wrap his arms around his frame, he could feel Mason burying his head in his chest still sobbing they stayed there the whole night talking until they got found by Snape and told to go back to the common room which was deserted, they talked their until falling asleep in each other's embrace on the sofa.

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