Not Involved~NCT

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Mason awoke to the feeling of hot breath on his left cheek, he looked to his left and saw Yuta one of his housemates laying beside him. He went into panic mode and checked if he had clothes on and to his relief he did, he slipped out of Yuta's hold and went to freshen up he showered and put on a clean uniform. He slipped out of the common room and down to breakfast, on the way there he bumped into a smiley Gryffindor called WinWin the name rang a bell to a week ago at breakfast.
"You cunt you know WinWin is in the hospital wing fighting for his life!" The words spoke by Yuta a week ago echoed through Mason's head, before he realised he found himself speaking to the boy.
"Are you WinWin?" Mason asked staring at the boy while waiting for and answer
"Yes. Why?" WinWin asked fed up probably getting asked this a lot.
"Just haven't seen you around so I presumed it was you" mason stated shifting awkwardly
"What, because I've been in the hospital wing dick" WinWin spat before walking away towards Slytherin. He felt guilty he needed to know if anything happened last night he hoped not because Yuta was in a happy relationship and Mason didn't want to ruin it.

WinWin continued on down the corridor before he was stopped by a slytherin he was immediately filled with hatred as he stared at the handsome boy who belonged to his rival house.
"What do you want?" WinWin asked staring at the boy in front of him
"Are you WinWin?" He asked looking at WinWin with hope hoping it was him.
"Yes, What is it?" WinWin asked looking at the boy waiting for an answer
"Well, my name is Seonghwa and I saw something fishing in the common room last night." Seonghwa stayed looking at WinWin to see if he wanted him to continue he did "is your boyfriend Yuta?"
"Yes why??" WinWin asked panicking
"Well, when I got back from a party in the forbidden forest I walked in and saw Yuta sleeping on the couch with a tall, dark haired boy from our house. They were wrapped up in each other cuddling basically, I just thought it was the thing to do to let you know" Seonghwa finished and stared at WinWin a look of feeling sorry for the boy painted on his face

WinWin stood there frozen as soon as he heard the words 'wrapped up in each other' were spoken he felt his heart shatter into a million pieces
"This is all my fault" WinWin whispered tears daring to fall from his eyes
"It's not" Seonghwa reassured him rubbing his shoulder
"Yes it is I was away too long" WinWin let the tears fall they ran down his face and fell to the floor
"Don't you dare say that, you were injured this is not your fault it's Yuta's" Seonghwa told him off for blaming himself, WinWin hugged Seonghwa before turning on his heel and running to the Gryffindor Common Room.

Seonghwa clenched his fists and walked toward his common room, he threw open the door so hard it banged off the wall making a loud banging sound, a blonde haired girl named Lisa who was standing close to the door screamed from the sudden noise.
"Be careful Jesus" she said before walking towards the girls dormitory
"Where's Yuta?" Seonghwa asked scanning the room until he spotted him in the next room over he made his way toward him fists clenched
"Oh hey Seonghwa" Yuta smiled before realising his fists
"What are doing?" Yuta asked standing up and putting his hands up
"You cheater!" Seonghwa screamed punching him across the face
"What did you just say?" Yuta screamed lunching at Seonghwa beating the absolute shit out of him Seonghwa wasn't the strongest so he couldn't get Yuta off of him just then WinWin ran in with a Slytherin girl she must have ran and got him.
"Yuta stop!!" WinWin pulled Yuta off of Seonghwa getting hit a couple of times in the process but he finally got him off and he was restrained by a tall Slytherin boy
"Oh my god are you ok Seonghwa?" WinWin asked running over and crouching down beside him wiping his blood off with the sleeves on his robes
"San, can you get him to the hospital wing?" WinWin asked the blonde haired boy with sharp cheekbones and a defined jawline
"Of course" San ran over and scooped Seonghwa up and carried him out the door the last words people heard was
"Your ok buddy, I'll get Yeosang when I leave you in don't worry"

WinWin was about to leave when Yuta grabbed his arm,
"What the fuck was that?" Yuta asked "why did you help him and make sure he was ok and not me?"
"Because your a lying, cheating piece of shit!" WinWin screamed tears falling down his cheeks, Yuta like always outstretched his hand to wipe them away but WinWin pushed his hand away.
"We're over" WinWin whispered turning on his heel to run away
"I didn't cheat!" Yuta screamed
"Yes you did, Seonghwa said he saw you sleeping with someone else" WinWin said choking on his tears.
"Goodbye, Yuta" WinWin whispered turned on his heel and ran out the door
"It's not what it looks like!" Yuta called after him he left the common room running after WinWin, WinWin turned the corner and hid underneath a set of stairs.

Yuta appeared in the corridor in front of him, he could see him the gaps in the stairs,
"WinWin please it's not what it looks like" Yuta called out collapsing onto the floor hugging his knees to his chest crying into his knees.
WinWin had to cover his mouth to mute the sobs escaping his mouth, Yuta stayed there for a while until he got up and made his way back to the common room. Once WinWin heard the common room door shut he removed his hand from his mouth and the sobs escaped his mouth he couldn't catch his breath between sobs he stayed there like that until his sobs stopped.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2019 ⏰

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