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"State your name and business."

"Ah— It's (L/n)! I've brought some tea..."

"Go away."

You were just trying to be nice. And now he's destroyed that concept.
With a grumble of not-so-kind words, you open the door anyways, barging into his privacy and obviously irritating him. Levi's expression didn't change much- it never did- but after working with him for the past couple of years, you've memorized the way he expresses his emotions. Right now, he was glaring at you. So it was obvious. But then again he was always glaring at you.

"Don't look at me like that," you scoff as you set the tray on his desk, "you really think I thought this up myself?"

"Who did?" Levi asked, though it sounded more like an irritated statement to quickly end some sort of conversation. "Hanji?"

You roll your eyes, "No, why would she—" you pinch the bridge of your nose and shake your head. "It was your boyfriend, obviously."

"Get out of my office." He growls, "For the last time, Erwin is not my boyfriend."

"Girlfriend?" You smirk.

"I said 'get out'!" He practically barked the words, making you flinch. Sure, you could handle his attitude, but not when he raised his voice. With a shrug and a sigh, you left the room and made sure to slam the door as you did.
The two of you never got along. Ever. No matter the situation, what was being said, who-did-what, the two of you were always at one another's throats. Ever since Levi first arrived and made eye contact with you, it was like the both of you made a silent oath to be at war with one another. His previous friends(deceased now), Isabel and Farlan, had tried to get the two of you to get along, but their attempts were futile. And when they had passed, you considered trying to befriend him... but kind of like what had happened just now, he shut you down.

You sigh angrily, heading in the direction of your own office. It was about time you just gave up. Besides, you were better at keeping up with his sass than trying to stay on his good side. If he even had one.
Of course, whether or not that side of him existed, there was no way he would show it to you. And at the moment, 'Good-Guy Levi' was extinct. He lost his whole squad earlier today. You were sure he was tired, cranky, and grieving. The tea was supposed to be a conversation starter; so you could see if he was going to be okay.

Yes, the tea was your idea, not Erwin's.

Your gaze had been glued to the floor when you came up to your office door, so you were somewhat surprised to find a cadet peaking into your office. Was he waiting for you? You tap your foot on the floor, and he reels back in surprise.
You were answered when he saluted, then stammered, "I-I'm sorry, si— ma'am! Ma'am... I just wanted to apologize for what happened today, and make sure you were alright..?"

You nod curtly at him and wave off his formality. "It's late." You respond sharply, "You should be in bed, cadet."

"Ahuah— y-yes ma'am! S-sorry, ma'am..." He scampers off, and you watch him escape around the corner. You look at your door, wondering if you'd left it unlocked again. Well, considering the circumstance, you obviously did— but it's possible he could have broken in, somehow.


You enter and shut the door behind you, looking at the mess of papers on your desk. Some of those reports were days overdue, but you couldn't care less. You approached the desk and instead grabbed an object— not paper, but a picture frame. With it, you entered the second door in your office, which led to your room. A small bed and nightstand, nearest to the wall with a window. There was a wardrobe full of your clothes in the opposing corner. And, that was it really. A simple room. You don't even bother getting undressed, laying on the mattress and staring at the picture you held in one hand.
"(Sister name), why'd you have to go?" You whisper.

You close your eyes and held the picture close to your chest as tears filled your gaze. You'd been holding in your emotions too long. Rolling onto your side, you sigh shakily and think of her, thinking of her helpless cries before she... before...
No, don't think about that. You grow frustrated with yourself. Think about the good things...
You couldn't blame Levi for being angry. But anger? Really? Is that the only feeling he knows how to express?
What— why are you thinking about him right now? You growl and shake him from your head. Stupid corporal.

He wasn't the only one who lost someone today.

heartless [Levi x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now