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The usual nightmare.
Woke you up mad early every time.

At least you'd have the extra time to bathe, so you did. The cold water was refreshing, waking you up and cleansing the terrors from yesterday. The grief still hung around, accompanying the eerie silence in the castle. But, still, you felt better.
Deciding breakfast would only make you feel sick, you headed back to your office to work on that stupid paperwork Erwin had left you. Days ago. And you knew he would remind you about it today, so better off get something done than nothing.

Twelve signatures and a couple of long-overdue  filled out reports later, you gave up. You just had no motivation for this kind of material at all. Maybe if you could get a few cadets to work on this for you; maybe even teach them how to forge your signature. You could get in serious trouble for that, sure, but they couldn't quite afford to lose such a 'good soldier' like you. So, you didn't care.
You were surprised Levi hasn't thought of something like that quite yet. Having cadets— oh, why were you thinking of him again?

You didn't want to admit it, not even to yourself, but you wanted to check up on him. Poor guy lost his whole squad.
You growl to yourself and slam your pen back onto the desk, standing abruptly and hurriedly leaving your office. There's no way you could feel bad for him. He was acting stupid and selfish. He wasn't the only one who lost those he cared about.
So why am I going to him?
Because you were going to yell at him! Yes. That's reason enough. You were going to have a word with him- that hopefully won't end in violence. Like every other time you two chatted.
Has it been mentioned yet how much the two of you want the other dead, for no particular reason?

You were approaching dangerous territory.

But, hey, better off getting killed by Levi than a freaking Titan.

You knock on the door, once, twice, and wait. There's no response. That should be expected— he would be asleep at this kind of time. No one else was awake.
You open the door, surprised to find it unlocked, and jumped when you heard shouting almost immediately.

"The hell are you doing?!"
Yes, it was Levi. You welcome yourself in like last time, a ticked-off look on your face.

"Me?! What the hell are you doing?!"

"Leave!" He snarls, just as you notice the bags under his eyes. Wait— maybe they've always been there. Does this man sleep at all?!

"You should be asleep!" You shout.

"As should you, brat!"

His voice was loud, yes, but it didn't sound very angry now that you thought about it. He was exhausted. You approach him without a word, earning more harsh words and phrases, but he made no move to get up or even release the pen in his hand. He angrily glares at you, then back to the paper he had, quickly scribbling down something as if he knew what you were about to do.
"I am almost done—"
You snatch the pen out of his hand, and then he stands, but stumbles and nearly loses his balance. You lean over the desk and quickly grasp him beneath his arm before he could fall, but he pulls himself away from you with disgust on his face. He seems to sway before catching his balance again, and demands you give him his pen. You shake your head.

"As much as I hate you, you need rest." You tell him, and before he can protest, you toss the pen behind you and quickly dash around the desk to get him. Mostly because of his sleep deprivation, he made a childish decision. He freakin' avoids you and tries to make a run for it. But you grab the collar of his jacket and yank him backwards into your grasp. He leans into you heavily, almost going limp. He's breathing heavily, obviously too tired to even struggle. But he does growl, "I'm going to kill you for this."

"Sleep." You sigh, forcing him to stand and pulling his arm around your shoulders so you could help him walk. Well, force him to walk, really.
Like your office, he had a second door that lead to his bedroom, and you take him there. Before you enter, he demands, "You'd better pick up that pen before you leave."

"Can't make me." You shot back at him, ignoring the insulting name he muttered under his breath. You lead him through the door and towards his bed. Instead of being kind and helping him lie down, you basically shove him onto the mattress. He scoffs at you and slowly fixes himself, be-ridding his boots and jacket before going limp on the bed completely. His eyes closed, and he didn't bother to even thank you.
You didn't expect one anyways.

You left without a word, shutting his door quietly this time and staring at the pen on the floor. You smirk and leave it there, but instead approached his desk rather than the other door. You glanced at the paperwork he had done and what he had left— two stacks compared to the ten sheets he had yet to complete. He really was almost done. And this could all wait for later.
You pick up one of the stacks and skim through it quickly. You found a paper, that seemed rather unimportant, and decided to entertain yourself by letting it float onto the floor. Then you put the stack back on the desk. In a crooked position.
Satisfied, you left, and even bothered to close that door quietly as well. No, not for his sake. There were other people still sleeping.

That was a good reason.

heartless [Levi x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now