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By lunch, you caught him doing it.

No, he didn't put it in tea, though. Not this time.

He'd had the whole bottle, and he downed it fairly quickly. Hanji was speaking to him. You were too far to eavesdrop— not that you wanted to— but close enough to tell that she was speaking to him in a 'sneaky' way. She seemed concerned. And he was brushing her off.

His cheeks were rosy, he even looked tipsy. Just how much had he had today? You knew Levi handled alcohol surprisingly well. You'd never seen him this far in, though. What a rare sight.

You didn't care.

As the day proceeded, and the sky grew dark, you saw him again. Down the hallway, really, and he wasn't in uniform. Just regular pants and a sweatshirt. But he was also limping.

You didn't bother to approach him.

Night time swung around, the cadets were having dinner. You skipped that, again, deciding you should go to bed early. You couldn't care less about nightly duties or paperwork, as stated before, so you headed towards your office.
Unfortunately, you were intervened by Erwin Smith himself.

"We need to talk." He'd said.

You prepared yourself for s long, boring speech about responsibility. About those papers you didn't turn in three months ago. About you disrespecting your superiors.

What you didn't prepare yourself for was a talk about Levi.
Seriously, why is everyone on Levi's case?

"I heard what happened outside my office." He explained as soon as you took a seat in front of his desk.

"Oh," you mouthed.

"You've no right to strike him like that."

"I understand, sir." You mumble.

"I understand you're hurting—"

You object, "Sir, with all due resp—"

"—you're showing no respect by interrupting me, Corporal. Let me finish."

"Yes sir." You whisper, giving in and looking away from him. "Sorry, sir."

"You've lost your sister, a fine warrior. And I'm sorry for your loss. But now I want you to put yourself in a position where you have four siblings, and all of them are gone, like she is."

"Really?" You scoff, "This, sir? I—"

"(L/n), listen."

You grumble and lean back into the chair with crossed arms, looking at him with a kind of teenage attitude. He sighs, but continues, "And now you have to explain to your parents how they each passed, and for what purpose they died for. They'd blame you, surely."

You mutter, "It's not Levi's fault his entire squad died."

"Why don't you try telling him that yourself?"

You give him a dumbfounded look. "Uh— What? No. Unless you want him to sock me in the face—"

"It would be a good start to mending things with him."

"No, no. No." You shake your head, sitting up again, "He's already disrespected my sister and I today, why would I even try to make him feel better?"

"I was asking myself the same question when Levi explained what you did earlier this morning."

"Earlier this morn—?" As much as I hate you, you need rest. "Of course he'd tell his boyfriend that." You mumble quietly to yourself.

"Excuse me?"


"(L/n), Levi isn't letting anyone help him at the moment when he clearly needs it. I don't want to lose another good soldier."

"So, the whole point in this talk was just to give me orders to babysit a fellow captain?"

As a sign of dismissal, he gives you a small nod and looks down at some papers on his desk. He picks up a pen, clicking it a few times before beginning to write. He says, "You're an intelligent woman."

You sigh dramatically, getting up from the chair. "Well, when Levi kills me— and I know even then, you won't let him go— have him do my paperwork for me as payback, will you?"

"If that's your final wish."

You scoff, making way to the door.

"Oh, and (Y/n)?" The use of your first name stopped you in your tracks a little quicker than normal. You turn to look at him over your shoulder.

"I'll be speaking with you again in a few days time about this female titan's identity."

You piped up, "Wh- wait— you know who it is?"

"Not quite yet." He answers dismissively.

You hesitate to leave, thinking hard on it. The news gave you a spark of motivation— for what? You weren't sure. But you knew you would exact your revenge for what that Titan did to your sister. You swore it.

"Thank you, sir." You salute, then take your leave.

heartless [Levi x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now