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You wanted to get along with him.

You really did.

But there was something about him— or maybe it was just you— there was something that kept you from letting things work out.

The more he keeps bringing up your sister, the more you wanted to straight up slaughter him.

And every little thing you did just seemed to annoy him. You were either not doing something right, or he just hated when you decided to breathe.

Erwin has finally given you a second strike. He would hate to lose someone like you, but he needs you to 'drop the attitude with Levi'.

"You are doing the exact opposite of what I needed you to do." He said.

"You can't help someone who doesn't want help."

"(L/n), you're not even trying!"

He'd been right. You hadn't actually done anything to help Levi at all— other than spar with him earlier today. Or, yesterday, rather. It was well past midnight now, and you were heading back fo your office.

There really wasn't any reason to hate him. Or at least, as far as you were concerned, you had no reason.

But not have you ever asked if he had a reason to hate you. You assumed not, because he never brought up anything.

You just hoped for one thing.
That Hanji isn't right about sexual tension.

You opened up the door to your office, sighing as you step in and then close it behind you slowly. You were tired. And you were also sure there was going to be a hellish amount of paperwork on your desk.

But there wasn't any.
At all.

Confused and a little worried, you walked up to your desk quickly and found your pens in an organized row, a very very very small pile of papers that simply required your signature, and a note.
You snatched up the paper and read it, covering your mouth as you did. Your heart skipped several beats.

"Erwin told me about the deal
you made with him. If you are
actually willing to go forward
with all this (which I highly
doubt), I figured I might try
and make things easier for you.
Starting with this."

And suddenly you felt like a horrible person.
That was why he apologized.
That was why he did all your paperwork for you.
That was why he even agreed to spar.
That was why he didn't seem to care when you admitted you threw away his booze.

He thought you were actually going to help him cope.

You ran out of your office, not wasting your time in shutting the door, and headed straight for Levi. God, you were an idiot. You were the heartless one, not him.

Panting as you arrive at his door, you brush your hair out of your face and knock rapidly. There was no answer.
You knock again.
Again, no answer.
You open the door— or, try to. It was locked.
You knock one more time, and received an answer from silence.

"Levi?" You ask. "Levi?!"

All those things you'd said to him. God, you even told him to kill himself. And his response...

"Levi!" You call, slamming your fist on the door, "open up!"

It was very late, you had to admit, but you knew Levi better than most. He wouldn't even consider sleeping until he got his work done, it's why he always had those dark circles around his eyes. Seriously, he looked like sh—

"...are you here to kill me?" His muffled voice sounded on the other side of the door. You hoped he was joking. He was joking.
A smile crawls on your face and you have a light laugh, "You bet I am!"

You heard the door handle click, and you step back. But he doesn't open it himself. Your brow twitched in impatience, so you twist the handle and barge in.

He was leaned against his desk, ankles and arms crossed while he looked down at the floor. He was still in uniform. He looked up at you once you shut the door behind you, and there was an evident bruise forming beneath his eye. You stared in silence, allowing guilt to consume you.

"Well?" He asks, "Are you just going to stand there all night?"

You flinch a little, but then look down at the ground in shame. You made your tone hard. "You lied."

He was silent for a second. "What?"

You can't meet his eyes. "You lied to Eren." When Levi made no remark, you continued, "You told him I had better eyes than anyone you'd ever met- isn't that right?"

You heard a faint 'yes', making your heart stop for a minute. You clear your throat, "Well, that's obviously not true. I can't watch where I'm walking. I can't watch I'm saying, or how I say things. I-I can't see if danger is ever approaching— which, you were right. My sister would probably have lived if I saw what she was doing. And—" you took a deep breath, "I uh, can't even see if someone is really trying to change themselves!" You meet his eyes for a quick second before looking off to the side, speaking softly. "I wasn't trying. I should have been. You were right about me being stupid."

You'd give yourself a B on that speech if you had to grade it. But now things just felt awkward when Levi didn't give you a reply for the next minute or two. You simply chewed on your lip anxiously while staring at the ground, twiddling your fingers behind your back.

"If that was your way of apologizing," he sighs, "it sucks."

You have a nervous chuckle, shrugging, "Well, I tried?"

"Jesus Christ, (Y/n). How hard did Erwin spank you?"

A majority of your nervousness suddenly faded at his question, and you laughed. Unbeknownst to you, Levi had to turn his head at a certain angle to hide the way his cheeks became a little pink when you laughed at him.
You smile, "Your boyfriend didn't make me apologize, I swear."

He made a 'hmph' sound, "Maybe he should have. That was terrible."

He stands up straight, leaning away from the desk and uncrossing his arms. He approaches you, and you take a cautious step backwards. He wasn't going to try and hurt you now, at this hour?
He was close enough that he was invading your personal space, and you found your eyes widening. You became especially shocked when he suddenly hooks his arms beneath yours, hands resting on your upper back while he lays his chin on your shoulder. You hesitated to return the gesture, despising the way your heart fluttered in your chest.

Is this how you felt? You thought silently as though communicating with your sister. You could almost hear her innocent laugh as she admits those feelings, and you silently curse her. How dare you pass on these emotions to me

"I'm trusting you, now." You hear Levi murmur by your ear, "Don't leave like the rest of them."

Those words stung your absent heart and spread that feeling everywhere. You hugged him tighter, as did he, and you send up a request to your family and his friends to watch over the both of you.

heartless [Levi x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now