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The other captains, the cadets, and Erwin Smith himself were quick to see the changes in you and Levi's relationship. Hanji was especially excited— to your guys' annoyance.

The insults didn't stop, but they weren't as harsh and as hurtful as before. Because neither of you meant them.

He'd hadn't touched a single alcoholic beverage ever since you'd snuck into his office and threw them away. Instead, he seemed to rely on you for distractions. Which, you were really good at, whether or not you were trying.

He'd never say it out loud, but he appreciated how you would start conversations with him. It always gave him a reason to speak his mind, which he didn't do a lot of. Not with anyone else, at least.

And he might make it seem like he hates this, but he actually enjoys the way you occasionally ridicule the things he does. Like bringing up how he drinks from a tea cup. You hate it. It's weird. He's heard that a dozen times and likes that it just ticks you off. Or how he even bothers to clean beneath the desks or tables, and pays close attention to the dust that settles in the corners of windows.
"Nobody cares about those areas!"
"I do."

The next few days felt like a breeze, until you'd been sent out to capture Annie, the female titan, with several other soldiers. Levi, still being hurt, wasn't allowed in any post similar to yours unless it was absolutely necessary, or if things got messier than the commander hoped for.

Luckily, you got to return unscathed. Seeing you approach him while brushing hair out of your face made the corners of his mouth turn upwards, just a little. But you weren't smiling.

"I wanted her dead." You seethe, "And yet—"

"We'll get our chance." He'd promised you.

Now you weren't quite sure what happened one night. Or, why it happened, really.
You'd just decided to visit him late again. He didn't say anything after he'd given you permission to come in, so you didn't say anything either. You came around his desk when he didn't even look up at you, then sat up on the desk, which did capture his attention, snagged a few papers off the pile of work he had, stole a pen, and— yep, you were doing some of his work for him. He made no complaint, he made no comment, or even thanked you. There was simply a mutual silence between you two.

The both of you worked for hours, much to your displeasure, but you fought through it anyways. You never did your own work, and he went as far as doing it for you that one time. You figured you'd return the favor, kind of. But now it was near three in the morning, and you were bored and tired. You had no idea how Levi managed by himself, but you felt like you could give him a little more respect.

"You should sleep." You suggest while writing his signature on the four billionth paper you've done.

"I will."

You look down at him, his head resting in the palm of his non-dominant hand while his elbow was propped up on the desk. His other hand scribbled away with a pen, finishing up some report you pretend you had no idea about.

"Now." You advise, turning and setting your borrowed pen down. You made sure it was crooked, smirking when he looked up and straightened in his seat, moving to correct the pen's position. You stop him by resting your hand over his as soon as his fingertips touched the pen. You tell him, "Fix that pen, you go to bed. Leave it, and I'll let you finish all this by yourself."

He sat there, completely still, for the next few seconds while thinking.
Then he sighed in defeat when you removed your hand, and he adjusted the pen. Abandoning his work, he rises from his seat and takes a deep breath. You're about to jump down from the desk, but he abruptly placed a hand on your thigh, stopping your movements. He moves to stand directly in front of you, making heat rise into your face when he leaned forward a little. The hand on your leg moves up slightly, resting low on your hip. You held your breath.

"And if I kiss you, will you sleep with me?"

Red in the face.
You don't hesitate to nod once.

His free hand rests on the back of your head as he pressed his lips to yours. Your own hands rest on the sides of his face just as he tilted his head. You move your lips with his, and when he pulled away, you leaned forward, capturing his mouth again. The second kiss gave you the same heart-swelling feeling that the first one gave, and so the both of you kissed a third time.
The both of you were breathless when you separated. His eyes kept glancing between your own (e/c) irises and your lips, but he seemed to settle with meeting your gaze steadily for a few moments.
Then he looks off to the side with his normal, blank face, moving both his hands to rest on your hips. But you could tell he was acting shy.

"I'm tired." He mumbles.

You slide off his desk, but he didn't move to leave you room. So with your chest pressed against his, you took advantage of the closeness and leaned forward to kiss his neck. He flinched at that, moving back a little, making you giggle.
"Then let's rest."

heartless [Levi x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now