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You'd found Levi outside, tasked with monitoring cadets while they spar with one another. Right now you were supposed to be helping Hanji sort out certain files of information she had on Titans, but, you ditched.
You really were just as irresponsible as you were irreplaceable.

"Ackerman," you sing as you walk up beside Levi. His only sign of acknowledgment was a heavy sigh, as if he were disappointed. You made no other comment for a few seconds, standing at rest while watching the young ones practice their fighting skills. Your lips twitched at a certain memory.

"You remember when we first sparred?"

Levi didn't answer for a second. You figured he was ignoring you, but when you took another look at him he seemed to be putting some thought into your words. He then asked, "Didn't I almost kill you?"

"Yeah." You smile. "We should spar again."

"No." He wasted no time in shutting you down.

"Come on," you turn and lightly punch his shoulder, ignoring how a couple teams of cadets turned to look at you two. "I wanna kick your ass."

He shot you a dangerous look. "You'd try and kill me."

"You're just as capable." You reason.

"Killing you would only make a mess that even I wouldn't want to clean."

You start to remove your jacket. "Rude. Are you saying you'd just leave me out here to rot?"

"Most likely." He cautiously watched you move as you toss your jacket on the ground. A look of irritation and disgust crossed his face. You furrow your brows.


He instead gives you a question rather than a reply, also taking off his own jacket. "What makes you want to have anything to do with me?" He folds it up nicely and sets it on the ground carefully. "Why not beat the hell out of a cadet?"

"Cause I'm not you." You scoff, making sure he saw you glance at Jeager. "Besides, I can tell you need a good fight."

"And what makes you think that?"

He sure is talkative today.
Because you need a distraction from the last expedition, and drinking isn't the only option.
You couldn't say that.
Because I haven't seen you do anything very productive recently.
That would make it seem like you care. And you don't.
Let's just ignore his question.

"Fists up, Corporal. The kids are watching."

He closes his eyes and sighs again, but reluctantly gets into position. He stares at you with a bored look, but behind that mask he has, you could tell he was actually interested in a good spar. Especially with that leg- that you need to be wary of- he probably felt pretty weak, and needed proof that he wasn't.
He may be Humanity's Strongest, but even a man like that would need a little reminder of that title.

"If I hurt you, I'm not apologizing." He states.

"Me neither." You get into a fighting stance.


He suddenly charges at you, and for some reason, your knees locked in place. You weren't prepared! He was right in front of you, and you felt a blow to your  gut. You ignore the pain, blocking his second move with one hand while the other simultaneously flew towards his face. He ducked in time, but his fist was still caught in your hand, so his movements were limited.

You brought up your knee quickly, knocking him right in the jaw.
But this didn't phase him, and he instead brought his free arm around your waist and tackled you to the ground.
The impact took your breath away, winding you for a moment. In that moment, he took advantage of you, straddling your hips while his hands flew for your face. You blocked with your forearms, but it was already over.

"Woah, go Captain Levi!" You heard some kid shout.
"He's fast!"
"Haha, she wasn't ready!"
"I'd hate to fight the Captain..."
"Wow, (L/n) sucks."

Your brow twitched at that last comment. You opened your mouth to speak, but Levi was already shouting.

"Who said you could stop?!"

The cadets were quick to get back in order, swinging punches and jabs— some even attempting to do exactly what Levi had done just now.

He then looks down at you, a look of annoyance in his eyes. "You let me win."

You mock his glare. "Get off me."

He does so, brushing off his pants and shirt, and not bothering to help you up either. You grumble as you get up, knowing very well that there was grass in your hair, but you just didn't care at all.
"Again." You huff.


This again?!

"Are you Humanity's Strongest, or aren't you?" You tease.

"Not on my own."

"Oh shut up! You sound like a depressed teenager. You are, and you know it, so come over here and fight me."

He goes to pick up his jacket instead, keeping his back towards you. You cross your arms and arch a brow. "Afraid you'll lose?"

"No. I'm afraid I'll make you cry, and you'll run off to speak with the horses again." He sounded as though he were lecturing you—

But wait! How did he know about that?!

"Yeah, and if you don't try for another round now, you'll end up having a round-too-many of booze later on." You grumble, thinking about what you'd found in his office earlier today.

This made him freeze for a moment, then slowly glance at you over his shoulder. "You went in my office."

"How many did I find again?" You pretend to think to yourself, tapping your chin. Ticking him off would definitely spark up some more hate between you two, and that would lead to a fight— probably to the death, but you wouldn't mind. "Six? Seven bottles?" You then look at him, brows raised, "am I warm?"

He said nothing, instead facing the cadets again while putting on his jacket- and ignoring you. This idiot is really turning his back on me! Well, if he was going to ignore what you say, you just might have to get physical.
Plan B was in action.

You took a run at him, aiming to just tackle him right into the grass and dirt and completely ruin his uniform, but you made a mistake.
You actually believed you could sneak up on this guy.
You'd already jumped by the time you realized this, and Levi ducked. You missed him completely, which had you rolling over the ground in a somersault. You recovered quickly by standing before inertia had the chance to slow you down. Stopping on your feet was difficult- you wobbled- but you gained your balance within a few seconds, and turned to glare at Levi.
Surprisingly enough, you managed to catch him smiling— just a little— but he'd tried to hide it and drop it when your eyes met his. You weren't going to comment on it.

"You done, brat?"

"Far from it." You growl, racing towards him again.

heartless [Levi x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now