Chapter 4

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"That all you got?" Dino taunted.

"Just. Give me. A second." I breathed. He was right there. I could catch him. One more step. That was all I needed. Then I could punch him. Or something. Maybe I'd just fall on him. Yeah, that sounded like a good idea right now. I'd fall on him.

"Well good." He smirked. "Ratchet wanted me to give you a work out."

I let out a cry and collapsed.

I hated spies!

"I have to admit," Dino squatted down in front of me, "I didn't think you could run that hard for so long. I am impressed."

"Screw you," was all I could get out.

He chuckled. "Maybe next time you will consider your adversary before leaping into conflict. An agent of my caliber is capable of high speed and long distance chases humans simply are not designed for."

Now he tells me.

"Come," he offered a hand, "the dirt is not the best place to regain one's composure, lest one wishes an ambulance to be called for."

A rescue from Ratchet sounded delightful right about now. I relented thought and placed as much weight as I could upon Dino's shoulder. It was my pathetic attempt at revenge. At least he had the sympathy to direct us towards the nearest park bench. I half expected him to walk to the other end of The Mall.

This guy made me feel completely out of shape.

"How's your hand?" Dino asked when my breathing finally steadied.

Sore, like everything else. I had been so close to catching him at one point. All I had needed was an inch, at most, and I would have grabbed his collar. But no, he diverted his course so suddenly I wound up tripping over my own feet. I had left a portion of my hand behind as a token of animosity.

"Let's see." Dino tried to take my wrist.

As if. I pulled away. He could go find someone else to abuse. He'd done quite enough to me already.

"Would you rather I disrupt a meeting to contact Ratchet about a trivial injury?"

Was he really trying to blackmail me now? "Why are you such a jerk? What have I ever done to you?"

His stupid little grin only annoyed me further. "Perhaps Sunstreaker is right. You wouldn't be as likeable if you weren't so naive."

"Is that why you're being a deceptive douche?"

"In a war like ours, naivete spells certain death. Now, if you please," he waved his fingers.

I hated him. I really did.

Dino examined my hand closely, prying pebbles and sweeping dirt from the wound where he saw fit. "I can see why Ratchet is concerned with your public appearance," he said after some time. "Your fluids are... interesting."

Understatement, I muttered within my head. My blood was lavender. It couldn't have been any stranger unless it was green.

"Do you have something to wrap this in?"

"No," I answered.

That seemed to puzzle him. "Were you never told to travel with medical supplies?"

"If I packed everything Ratchet suggested I'd need a backpack the size of Ironhide's flatbed."

"Point taken," his eyes glimmered, "but if you wish to keep your body's enigmatic status silent, you should consider carrying at least a few bandages."

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