Chapter 5

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The comforts of a soft bed and plush blankets did little to ease the ache of my overtaxed body and my hand certainly didn't help matters. It throbbed painfully within its gauzy bonds despite having been treated hours ago. My eyes burned from over exhaustion too.

It figured the one time I wanted to sleep, I couldn't.

My mind was reeling. It kept tracing its way back through today's events. That nut case Dino, what was I going to do with him? If our relationship continued on like today I was going to go insane. Even if his intentions were good, his actions were absurd. I understood he was raised in the middle of a war, but there were better ways to teach a student.

I sighed and rolled over. Life with the Autobots was never uneventful, that was sure. Nor was life in this house. What were my relatives doing up to at this hour? There was a smoky smell in the air.

I tried to ignore it by focusing on other things. The day had been pretty uneventful after Dino and I returned to base. Most of the afternoon had been spent to cure Ironhide of his foul mood.

Everything beyond that point was a blur. I couldn't even remember what I'd eaten for supper. I was too tired to care, yet my brain continued to ward off sleep as if it were a nemesis. If it didn't start cooperating soon I was going to be forced to drug it into submission.

I rolled onto my other side and pulled the blankets up over my head. Ugh! This house smelled like a campfire. The smoke was so thick. I didn't understand where it was coming from. We didn't have a fireplace...

I shot up out of bed. We didn't have a fireplace!

The hallway was filled with a thick, black smoke that stung my lungs and eyes. I collapsed to the floor, trying to get away, but it was too late. My lungs were filled and I was overcome with a fit of coughs. An ominous glow filled the stairwell and the crackling of wood could be heard from below.

How in the hell had I not noticed this sooner!

"Uncle Will," I tried to scream but my voice was so hoarse.

By the heavens, how did this happen? Why weren't the alarms going off?

A small wail made my blood run cold. Annabelle.

My six year old niece.

I pulled the collar of the shirt up over my nose and crawled as quickly as I could towards her bedroom. I could barely find the doorknob the smoke was so think and even when I got inside I could barely see anything. Her nightlight was dead.

The power was out.

"Annabelle," I called. "I'm here." I scrambled to her bedside, tripping over toys and kiddy furniture. If we made it out of this mess alive I was going to be covered with enough bruises to make a Decepticon brawl look amateur.

"Anna." I fell onto her bed. It was empty. "Anna?" I called. "Anna, where are you?"

I was certain her cry had come from in here. It was the only room at the end of the hall.

"Annabelle answer me!" Was she hiding?

I struggled across the battlefield of forgotten dolls and legos in search of her closet. She always hid there when she was upset.

The smoke grew thicker with each passing moment. Where was that doorknob? I knew it was here somewhere. "Annabelle, please. It's me. It's Melry. Where are you?"

Glass shattered somewhere downstairs. My heart pounded in my chest.

Damn it. I fell to my knees, tears streaming down my face. "ANNA!"

Another wail came. This time from hall.

Had she crawled out around me?

I willed my legs into motion and bolted out from the room, keeping as low to the ground as I could. The stairwell glowed more ferociously than it had before.

Another wail sounded, this one louder than the last two. My heart all but stopped.

It was coming from downstairs.

Where the fire was strongest.

Fear was lost to numbness and delirium, and before I knew it I was sprawled out on the first floor with my pants aflame. I couldn't bring myself to focus on the scene around me. All I could do was focus on beating the flames out. It felt like I'd entered hell's kitchen and when I at last looked up I knew it was far worse.

Everything was in flame. Photos. Memories. Beloved object. Everything was burning.

"Ironhide!" I screamed. The smoke wasn't as thick down here but the intensity of the flames more than made up for it. Already I felt it burning me and I wasn't even on fire.

Another wail hit my ears. The garage! Anna was with him. She was going to be alright, but where were my relatives?

A beam in the kitchen fell with a terrifying crash. Embers shot in every which direction and I screamed helplessly.

I had to get out of here. The garage was accessible from outside. Hopefully everyone had gotten to Ironhide because the beam had just closed off its doorway.

I didn't have time to plot a path. The fire was so hot and I was growing fainter by the moment. I just ran, straight through a window. The hot, burning sensation that had overwhelmed me inside was overtaken the icy cold tendrils of... weightlessness? No. Water!

I couldn't swim!

My cry went unheard and I thrashed about desperately. I'd jumped in the river! God I was such an idiot!

I fought my way to the surface and gasped for air, but instead found a mouthful of water. Someone help me! My mind screamed.

Water crashed over my head and shoved me beneath its surface. Stones tore at my clothing.

I struggled and kicked and flailed my arms. I had to find the surface. I had to find air!

"Melry!" Ironhide's voice sounded when at last I hit the surface. He was running along the bank, trying to get to me but it was no use. The current was too strong.

A roaring noise filled my ears but I couldn't focus upon it. I was too busy trying to keep my head up. "Ironhide!" I tried to cry but only part of it got out before water stole my voice.

"Hang on!" He cried.

I'd love a log or branch to hang onto!

The bank wasn't all that far away but the current was horrific and anytime I tried to navigate my way towards it I was pummeled down into the river's bed. My elbow took a heavy blow and sent pain ricocheting up my arm.

I choked and wheezed upon the surface, trying not the black out from the pain.

"Melry swim for shore," Ironhide bellowed.

I can't, my mind cried. The constant roar that filled the air was growing stronger and I could see mist flying high into the air just up ahead.

I was headed straight for a waterfall.

"Swim!" Ironhide cried.

I didn't even get the chance to. It was as if something had grabbed hold of my ankles and yanked below the surface. I couldn't move my legs. Blackness consumed my vision and water filled my lungs. I didn't want to die like this!

And then I was airborne.

"Melry," Ironhide screamed.

Warmth struck my chest and all at once the darkness parted. It gave way to a lush forest canopy that extended out to cloud crested mountains. My breath caught. Birds flew below, oblivious to my decent, and a brilliant blue river, fed by the treacherous waterfall from which I fell, snaked through their home.

This place...

The land parted and raced up to greet me. I barely had time to scream.

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