Chapter 6

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Pain shot through my face and I let out a shrill yelp.

"Primus Melry!"

Pressure seized my sides and the ground vanished. I couldn't see anything through the fireworks. Panic ripped through my body.

And then I gently found solid ground.

"Easy," the same foggy voice said.

My heart raced. What was going on?

The pressure on my side turned into a gentle rub and a warm sense of calm stretched across my breast.

"Ironhide?" I mumbled.

"You took quite a fall," another voice said. "We're fortunate the damage isn't any worse."

Images of the waterfall flashed through my mind. How was I alive?

I reached for my face as carefully as I could and yelped when I made contact. It wasn't until the fireworks began to fade that I noticed the purplish mass hovering before me. It took a moment to realize I was staring at my own hand.

"You alright?" the first voice asked.

I'm bleeding, my mind noted.

"You think she can hear us?"

"She responded a moment ago."

I'm bleeding, my mind clicked with realization.

"Calm down."

My nose was broken!

"She's in a state, what do you expect."

"And you wanted to surprise her."

I whined helplessly and clutched my battered nose. It hurt so badly, but how had I gotten out with this injury alone? The waterfall had been so high.

The ground shifted and my heart jolted. Earthquake?

No, it couldn't be, I finally decided. The ground wasn't right. It was metal. A mid grade tone of gray, in fact, and was constructed of numerous plates that were littered with scratches.

A hand? My eyes slowly trailed down the length of the object, beyond where it connected into a jet black shade, and upward until... I let out a miserable groan.

I didn't need my glasses to know there three large Autobot staring down at me, each wearing a very different expression. I could see it in their posture.

"Well look who finally decided to pay us some heed," Dino said.

"What happened?" Ironhide's voice was filled with concern.

What did he mean? He'd been there...

I looked around.

"You're on base," Ironhide said, sensing my confusion. "You fell asleep in Dino's cabin on the way back."

"And then you decided it was a good idea to leap out of his hand," Dino added.


"Let's get our proprieties straight please," Ratchet said. "I'd like to make sure she doesn't require medical assistance before we start arguing semantics."

"Who's arguing?" Dino asked.

"Your station?" Ironhide dismissed the comment.

Ratchet nodded.

I looked down at myself. There was blood all over my coat but that wasn't what really surprised me. "I'm not wet."

That earned what I presumed to be a confused glance from the Autobots. No one asked however and I was beginning to understand why.

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