Like it was yesterday Part 1

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A/N Heyy!! Still experiencing writers block but I got a very helpful suggestion from TyperwriterBook so I'm trying sonthing and hopefully it is good!! Thanks so much for the advice!! To the story!!!

She remembered it like it was yesterday, but in reality it had been almost a year. She was lying on her bed arms spread out and was staring at the ceiling. "Sophie! Come down now!" Grady called from downstairs. Sophie lifted her head up, "Why?!?" She had just turned 16 and was getting moody, and wasn't listening to her parents as much anymore. "It's Keefe!" Bolting Sophie ran out of the room and being the clumsy little being she was she lost her footing on the stairs and tumbled down them. "What's wrong?" She prepared herself for the worst and was shocked when she just saw Dex, Keefe, and Biana. "What are you guys doing here? Where's Grady?" Keefe smirked, "Hey Foster, you weren't picking up to our calls and we were getting worried so we decided to come see you. We knew you wouldn't come down so I mimicked Grady's voice. Glad you care about me though." Sophie blushed, "I don't care about you. I mean-I do but-um-not in-or do I-isn't it getting a little hot in here?" She coughed. "Let's go outside!" Keefe smirked and elbowed Sophie. She glared at him and stuck out her tongue. "Like I said Foster, glad you care about me." But instead of his normal jokester voice, he said this in a soft voice. Sophie found it harder to look away from those icy blue eyes. "Sophie..." He murmured. They had become very close and she could feel his breath on her face. He looked down at her lips and back at her again. He leaned forward and so did she. Inches apart, centimeters, millimeters. She looked at him and got lost in the swirling icy storm that was all in his eyes. "Um hello?" Dex coughed. Sophie and Keefe instantly snapped apart. Dex was waiting with Biana who had a look of betrayal on both of their faces. Sophie was blushing a very deep shade of red and so was Keefe. Keefe coughed, "Anyways, as I was saying Foster, you should never call Fitz, Wonderboy, it's a mean nickname." He coughed again. "Um right" Sophie added. "Thanks for telling me." She awkwardly said.

"Sophie can I speak to you for a moment?" Biana asked in a soft voice even though her eyes were throwing daggers. "Um," she glanced at Keefe, "Sure." She followed Biana to a spot away from the boys. "Sophie do you like Keefe?" she asked accusingly. "Well um I don't know yet." Biana let one tear fall, "Sophie you know I like him!! Why can't you be happy for me?" Biana has full on tears falling down her face. "You have everything Sophie! Everything! All I wanted was him, but you took him!"

"You think I have everything!! You never had to leave all you very knew behind, brainwash your so called parents, live with total strangers, be the laughing stock of the school, be talked behind other people's backs, be the only elf to manifest so many times, be captured and tortured, I do not have anything!!!" Tears were flowing down her face now, and she was shaking in the floor crying. "Look B, I'm sorry I never meant to hurt you." Biana was also crying, "I'm sorry too Sophie, I was being a brat and never thought about it that way." She hugged Sophie and tried to dry her tears. "He likes you, you know." Sophie looked up, "what did you say?" Biana smiled, "I shouldn't have interrupted your kiss" Sophie blushed. Together they walked back to the guys. Once Keefe saw Sophie's damp face, he rushed towards her but stopped right before he could hug her. Hurt was written all across Sophie's face, she wanted him to hug her. But he wouldn't, he was to embarrassed to be seen with a freak, he was better of with Biana.

Tears were rolling down her face again. She let go of Biana's hand and started running. The breeze was nice and it calmed her. She stopped to catch her breath when she heard him. "Sophie I'm sorry."

"It's fine Keefe, I'm a freak, I understand." Keefe walked forward and grabbed her arm but she pulled it away. "Sophie you are not a freak, you are a smart, beautiful girl who had to grow up too fast. You are everything but a freak." He reaches out to touch Sophie's arm again and this time she held on. "Why didn't you hug me?" She whispered. Her chocolate eyes searching his icy blue ones. "Because I was afraid,"

"Of me?" She choked out.

"No of course not! Of you not liking me back." He admitted blushing. "You like me?" She asked incredulously. Keefe nodded. She hugged him and whispered in his ear, "I like you too." She could feel Keefe's smile against her back. They held each other there for sometime before getting interrupted by Biana again. But this time there were tears in her eyes. "Sophie, it's Grady."

A/N hahahha. Cliffhanger!!! Like I said before this was requested by TyperwriterBook while I was and still am experiencing writers block but it is getting better!! So yayyyy. I literally as up until midnight writing this so I decided to make two parts because I was too tired to continue the rest. But hope you guys like it and stay Gucci!

P.s I reached 1000 words writing this and that is a major major major accomplishment for me and I know comparing to others its not a lot but for me when I'm just beginning I feel like I can really improve with each story I write so again thanks so much fir all the support and votes and you will see what happens next when I upload which will be who knows when. Anyways bye.

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