sorry 🤧

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  A/N hi. I'm not extinct.

Sophie was sitting cross legged on her bed while staring at icy blue eyes. Her red flannel shirt was tied across her waist, as she threw her messy hair into a bun. Today was one of those days where Sophie felt especially lazy, and since she found the flannel at the bottom of her bag from when she left her home in the forbidden cities, she decided to wear it because not even the plainest shirt in the Lost Cities seemed to scream lazy or not crystal obsessed.

Her fingers were sticky with mallow melt but she just licked them, trying to get more sweetness.

"So." she asked him, "Is there a reason you barged into my house or are you just really bored?"

the boy let out a frustrated sigh, "I don't know Foster! It's just being at home with my Dad isn't exactly the happiest place on Earth and-"

"- the happiest place on Earth is Disneyland." she interrupted. Keefe looked at her strangely, "The Dizznee's have their own land?"

Sophie suppressed a smile, "No, nevermind. Continue."

"anyway as i was saying, life there isn't ideal so i stopped by to see if you were free."

Sophie stopped licking her lips, "to see if I'm free..." she said slowly. "as in a date?"

Keefe blushed, "Of course not!" He said all too quickly. "Just was bored and needed to escape."
Sophie sighed, she was a bit disappointed. After they defeated the Neverseen and Alden was exposed as being a double agent, Fitz got super upset and blocked everyone off especially Sophie, his former girlfriend at the time. Sophie decided that enough was enough and she ended the relationship. But then she started to notice certain things that a friend shouldn't normally notice.

The way Keefe's eyes glistened when he saw her. The dimple on his cheek whenever he smirked. And most importantly the pink shade of his soft looking lips, all these things should not be pointed out but Sophie couldn't help it, she was in love.

But Sophie quickly covered up her disappointment and rolled her eyes instead, "Where would we go Keefe?"

Keefe looked stumped as if he hadn't thought this through and then shrugged. "I dunno, we could go to visit Silveny." His eyes then brightened, "Yeah! Let's go check up on Glitterbutt!" He eagerly grabbed Sophie's hand, and pulled her up from her bed. Sophie smiled, if Keefe got hooked on an idea, there was no talking him out of it. "Okay idiot, we can go visit Silveny"

Keefe dragged her out of the room and down the stairs. Of course Sophie had to trip on a couple of steps on the way down, always being caught by Keefe. "Should we just make these a slide?" He asked, raising an eyebrow. "Or is that too dangerous?"

Sophie sighed, "Honestly it may be."


"SILVENY!" keefe hollered once they arrived outside. Sophie desperately clamped her hand over his mouth in an attempt to shush him up.

"Keefe! You have to be kidding me! You screaming isn't going to attract Silveny, only angry neighbors." She then remembered her hand on his mouth and pulled away, blushing. She reached out into the darkness of her mind and started repeating Silveny's name over and over.
Silveny? Friend? Silveny? It's Sophie!

Almost immediately Silveny replied.




Sophie sighed, yes Keefe is here.


Sophie smiled, Sure!

There was a crack in the sky and then all of a sudden came a sparkling white alicorn swooping down and peacefully landing on the bright green grass of Havenfeild.

A/N yeahhhhh um so that was a major major flop and i haven't posted in 500 years. The story was left unfinished because I just ran out of inspiration and decided it's better if I post it uncompleted than not post anything at all. So basically after reading flashback (WHICH IS AMAZING BY THE WAY) I have switched into Team Sophfitz. Sorry sorry sorry. Um yeah from now on I will try to post more and now I will be posting sophfitz and I occasionally post sokeefe moments. Stay Gucci and missed you all!


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