No idea what to name this

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"Catch me if you can!" He laughed and shouted across the yard. Sophie sighed and looked at Biana, "What am I going to do with him?" Biana just giggled.

"Come on Sophie give him a break, with all this Black Swan work, it's good if you play around once in a while. I mean we are only 16 and acting like 200 year olds." Sophie still couldn't get her mind around how elves had such infinite life spans, "I guess your right but I should be working in discovering the Neverseen's Base." With that she waved to Biana and walked inside.


"WATCH OUT!" She heard someone scream before a splash of cold water drenched Sophie in the face. She opened one eye slowly, "Dex you better have a good explanation for this." She growled.

Dex was rocking back and forth on his feet, "See Linh and I got this idea where we wondered if I could make a device that automatically filled up with water every time it was emptied, but it keeps shooting out water instead of just slowly filling up.
Linh had turned bright pink and had an embarrassed look on her face, "Sorry Sophie, that wasn't supposed to hit you."

Sophie sighed, "It's fine Linh it's not your fault." Sophie glared at Dex though, "Next time you try one of your inventions, especially if it involves something messy, do it outside. Okay?" Dex nodded his head, "Sorry Soph."

Biana barged in the door while holding on tight to a struggling Keefe, "Keefe the next time you are going to set one of your pranks up make sure I'm not there when it backfires okay?!" That's when Sophie noticed that Biana was covered in some green gooey substance. Biana turned to look at Sophie, "What happened to you?" She asked. Sophie sighed and pointed to Dex and Linh.

"Whatever let's go Sophie," and with that she grabbed a hold of her wrist and dragged her upstairs.


"Here." Something heavy dropped on Sophie's stomach. Sophie opened one eye to see Keefe hovering over her. Groaning she sat up to see what the troublemaker had done this time. But instead of something disgusting or hazardous, it was Sophie book, Cinder. "Oh so you finally returned it? Did you stick it somewhere disgusting because it can't be this easy without me chasing you around?"

Keefe shrugged, "Nope, I decided I didn't want the book anymore cuz it reminds me to much of Foxfire and school and we are on vacation."

Sophie rolled her eyes, "Keefe this is not vacation. We are here to fight the Neverseen, not make other people chase you and set up pranks."

"I know but I'm so bored, why do I have to sit around and read some stupid book when we could be go kicking butt?"

"I know it sounds boring but we will get there, we just have to plan first and study them first. It's like an exam for instance, you don't go head first and begin your test without even studying so you? No you study and learn your material first so you are prepared."

Keefe scoffed, "I never study."

"Other people do Keefe." She pointed out.

"Whatever, I'm bored talking about this so can we please do something fun?" He asked jumping on to her bed. "Um Keefe, if you forget I was sleeping before you barged in here so that's what I'm going to do."

Keefe started playing with Sophie's hair, "But I'm boredddddddd." He nestled his chin in Sophie's back. Her heart starting switching to humming bird pace. "Keefe?" Sophie whispered.


"What are you doing?"

"Nothing just go to sleep." Sophie sighed and smiled, "Fine. Goodnight Keefe."

"Night Foster." And so she fell asleep in Keefe's arms and dreamed about moonlarks with ice blue eyes.

A/N sorry sorry sorry sorry, this is really bad, not even 1000 words I'm so mad and I haven't updated in forever. And this has no plot and totally useless chapter. It's just hard to write right now because i don't really have any ideas but I need to post so I just write something really crappy. Sorry again, Stay Gucci

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