He was gone

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A/N heyyy!! 2nd upload ahhh!! I was really bored and decided to play around with some words. XD Anyways this story takes place after Keefe leaves for the Neverseen.

It had been months since he left, everyone told her to move on. Fitz would always try to get with her and she would always push him away. She was breaking, very slowly like she was a fragile peace of glass that anyone could look through her transparent structure and see her darkest secrets, it was like she was too fragile and if you said something wrong she would break. She hated feeling this way, but, he was gone.

"Sophie! Fitz is here!" Edaline appeared in front of the doorway. Sophie sat in a corner of her room silently, with tears streaming down her face. "Aww baby, I know I should be encouraging but he's gone." Edaline moved forward and knelt beside Sophie cradling her in her arms. "It's just," Sophie whispered, "why did he leave me? Does he know how hard this is? How much I struggle?" Slowly more tears rolled down her already damp face. Her hair was a mess and she hadn't changed her clothes for days. Edaline would always try and get her to eat but she would refuse and just drink water, slowly killing herself. But honestly, death was better than this torture, he was gone, he wasn't coming back, he was gone.

"Tell Fitz to go away, I don't want to talk to anyone, just keefe." After a few more hours of crying and trying to convince Sophie to eat something, anything, Edaline finally left her alone.

Sophie was alone in her room when there was a knock on her door, she thought it was probably Edaline convincing her to eat dinner so she let them in. To her surprise it was him. Jumping up from her bed she backed up to her corner taking careful steps. "You are not real, you are not real, your are not real, you are not real." She sank to the floor hugging her legs to her chest. "He's not real, he's not real, he's not real."

"Sophie please," Keefe whimpered, "I am real. I made a horrible mistake, I've been watching over you and I couldn't stand it anymore. Sophie Foster I love you."

Going into hysteria, Sophie starting laughing. "This is the best one yet! Out of all my hallucinations I think you found a winner!" She role to the floor on her back while she laughed. Meanwhile, Keefe slowly started breaking down, "Sophie has this broken you this much? Am I only your imagination?"

Sophie looked up from her darkness and whispered, "Once a week...you appear. And you always tell me your real and you're back for good. Then I wake up and you're gone." Tears were now streaming down Keefe's face. "I'm real Sophie, I promise." He walked forward to pull her into a hug but she backed away.

"No, I'm falling for it again. I'm falling for you again. This is not right, I have to admit it, you're gone, you're not coming back." So as a final goodbye she walked forward and hugged Keefe. As tears streamed down her face he slowly began to fade away. "I love you Keefe Sencen, I love you." But she said that to the air because by that time, he was gone.

A/N done! So what do you guys think of that type of oneshot. I know it was sadder and I originally planned on having them back together but I just found out that one of my best friends is dating my ex so the story kind of took a dark turn, but in the end I liked how it turned out and Sophie finally moved on. So I guess that's it for now, second upload in 1 day so yay me!! Anyways that's it for now and I'm tired so night ya'll.

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