The Gala

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A/N sorry sorry sorry sorry guys I haven't updated I a week, I'm way behind and now I have two books to update if you haven't already read it, go read my prologue on my other book, it's called the book jumpers and it's not based off any fandom. So yeah, enjoy

Sophie Foster didn't know what to do, here she stood in front of two boys. One with a messy but styled blonde hair and one with brown hair. They both looked at her expectingly as if she could answer the huge bomb they both dropped on her. "Hey," the boy with icy blue eyes said softly, "It's fine if you need some time to think this through." The teal eyed boy nodded in agreement. She nodded and pulled out her crystal, light leaping away leaving the two boys to their thoughts.

Sophie materialized in front of her home and quickly rushed to her room calling two of her friends along the way. She fidgeted on her bed and was in the middle of pulling out her fifth eyelash when Biana barged in followed by Tam.

"Okay first things first, who did what to you and where are they so I can hurt them." Tam said as he walked in. Sophie rolled her eyes, "Nobody did anything Tam, I mean they did but it was different, I mean..."

"Just tell us already gosh." Biana said.

"Okay sooo," Sophie started choosing her words carefully. "You know about the upcoming ball at Foxfire right?" Biana nodded along with Tam who just rolled is eyes but listened along. "Well um today you see um well..."

"Sophie Foster you tell me now and stop stalling!" Biana yelled.

Sophie jumped scared from her sudden outburst, "Sheesh I was getting to it! Okay well today both Fitz and Keefe approached me after school and they um asked me to go with them." Biana shook her head, "So it finally happened." Tam nodded his head.

"So?" Tam asked. "Soooo what?" Sophie replied with pure confusion.

Tam sighed, " So who did you pick?"

"Oh," Sophie blushed, "That's why I um asked you guys to come."

Biana nodded her head but hen looked strangely at Tam, "No offense Soph but why Tam?" Tam glared at her but his lips were tilted upward.

Sophie blushed again, "Well you know,Tam has sort of helped me with this stuff before."

"WHAT?!?" Biana shrieked, She reeled to face Tam, "You! You never told me that!" Biana looked back a Sophie, "Why him?!? Why not me?!?" Sophie sighed, "Tam has more of a well, sort of, level mind. And doesn't  really just um say what he thinks is cute and what not, he goes off of logic." Biana's face had hurt all over.

"Which is why," Sophie quickly added, "I also invited you because you also have some sort of weird logic too, so you guys to balance each other out." Sophie finished explaining. Tam and Biana just looked at Sophie with a confused expression, "So what are you asking us to do?"

Sophie sighed, "I guess I need you guys to help me decide who to pick."

"Sophie you know I love you and all and I would be so happy choosing for you but this is your choice." Biana said. Tam noises in agreement.

"Oh I know that, I just wanted your guys' opinions. I have already chosen, I think." She frowned trying to figure this out like it was some algebraic math problem, which honestly it felt like it was.

"Okay well I'm just going to say this and do not ever repeat this to anyone, I personally ship sokeefe." Tam muttered, than he blushed and pulled the shadows around him so they covered him. Biana squealed, "Ahhh you're so cute!" She then immediately blushed. The shadows around Tam faded and his now, redder blush was starting to show. Then Tam did something Sophie never would've thought he would do and he grabbed Biana's hand and squeezed tight.

They were both blushing now, "Hmph, back to your situation." Biana said quickly, "I also ship you and Keefe." I know that you like Fitz but you also like Keefe and you have to admit it. Also you guys are so cute together and my brother kind of has anger management issues." She whispered.

Sophie nodded along, "Okay I get that we are cute and all but I need logic on why we would go good together." She said looking at Tam.

Tam cleared his throat, "Okay so, the logic behind both ships is that although you like Fitz and he likes you back,"

"Whoa whoa whoa...wait just one minute!" Sophie interrupted, "How did you know I like Fitz?"

"Oh poor baby, please Soph everyone knows that you like him, it's pretty obvious." Biana stated as if it was written in bright bold letters on Sophie's forehead. Sophie looked at her in shock, she turned to face Tam, "Did you know too?"

"Yeah, come on Sophie, you're not fooling anyone."

Sophie shook her head, "Okay fine, continue."

Tam cleared his throat again, "As I was saying, although you like Fitz, we are not sure that he likes you back. But we know for sure that Keefe likes you. I mean Sophie he does everything for you. And don't think I wouldn't have noticed that when my sister did that water thingy that both Fitz and Dex were amazed. But Keefe didn't care. Also who are you closest to? Who would tell anything?"

Sophie considered this, "So I'm right, Okay I guess I tell Keefe more stuff than I tell Fitz, and even though Fitz and I are congats, I like it better if we both keep some secrets to ourselves."

"Sooooo..." Biana started, "Who is taking you too the Gala?"

Sophie smirked, "You'll have to wait and see." And with that she light leaped away.


Both boys were still waiting at the spot she left them. "Can I talk to Fitz, privately?" She asked, ignoring Keefe's stare. He shrugged, "Whatever Foster," Sophie grabbed Fitz's hand and led him away from Keefe, who watched them closely.

Fitz has a grin on his face, and when they stopped he pushed his lips against hers. Sophie squirmed out of his grasp, "Fitz!"

"You made the right choice Sophie." He said and grabbed her waist. Sophie shoved him away. "Fitz thats not it!" He stared at her, "What?"

Sophie sighed, "Fitz I didn't choose you, I chose Keefe," he backed away, "Wait Fitz, I just wanted to say I see you more as a brother, than a potential boyfriend. I'm sorry."

Fitz glared at Sophie, "Whatever freak! Its not like I actually wanted to go with you!" He sneered and light leaped away.

Tears streaming down her pale face, Sophie ran to Keefe and he held his arms open, hugging her. Sophie buried her face in his chest. Keefe gentler stroked her hair, "So you chose him?" He joked.

"No, I chose you." Sophie mumbled into his chest, barely audible. Keefe hugged her tighter, "I love you."

Sophie felt herself calm at once, "I love you too Keefe."

A/N ughhhh this so bad and has no plot I'm so sorry, and I haven't updated in like a week. I promise it'll be better next time sorry. Also go check out my other story, the book jumpers. Stay Gucci ;)

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