Before she turned bad

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A/N hey guys, back at it again. ;) And basically this takes place before Sophie comes to Foxfire and Keefe's first kind of relationship. So Sokeefe one shots, I will make stories based off of other Kotlc characters so comment someone you want to see in later chapters! Also the name is shocking, I know, but I wanted this to be her backstory, before she turned bad. (see why i named this :) So basically its her Origin Story. Should I make more of these?

"Stina! There you are! I've been looking everywhere for you!" A familiar voiced shrieked, next thing I knew I was being squeezed to death in a humongous bear hug. "Biana," I choke out, "let go!" She drops me and I struggle for breath, "Happy to see you too!" I laugh.

"Today's going to be so much fun! You're coming to my house and Fitz is bringing his friend over and we can play Base Quest!" I sigh, "but Biana, I have to study for midterms!" Biana juts rolled her eyes to my complaint "RE-lax Stina! And besides we can do each other's makeup!" I struggle in choosing what to do, I would have to study for midterms but I also just got a new makeup kit and was excited to try it on. "Ugh fine Biana" I say with my best annoyed expression, but a smile was forcing its way to the surface. Biana saw the smile and grabbed my hand, "Let's go!"

We arrived at the shimmering gets of Everglane (i don't know if that's right). In the yard was Fitz and this blonde elf. He had messy blonde hair but it had a sort of style to it that made me think the mess was intentional. He had a smirk on and was playing around with Fitz and I could hear him teasing him But Fitz didn't seem to mind and was smiling. "Who's that?" I ask Biana pointing to the blond elf. Biana blushed, "Oh him? That's Keefe Sencen." I cringed at the name, "Sencen?" I knew his father, he worked at my dad's work and was fond of my Dad so he stopped by for dinner around once a month. I knew he had a child but I just didn't think someone so despicable was capable of parenthood. That's when Keefe looked up and waved at Biana, and he had a look of confusion on his face when he spotted me. But then he recognized me, I had become popular during the previous year, so my name was kind of being passed around. "Well look who showed up, hey Stina." Keefe nodded his head towards me. "So you're finally popular enough to become one of Biana's friends?" He laughed while Biana glared at him. she turned her head towards me, "That's not true, we've been friends for a LONG time." She glared at Keefe again. Keefe just laughed some more.

"It's fine Bi." I wasn't starting to like this 'Keefe'. "Okayyy," Fitz said. "Let's pick teams." He looked at me as if expecting me to choose. "Oh um, Biana." Fitz nods, "Okay you guys go first." So Biana and I take off. Once we picked our spot, I realized I forgot to mention no abilities. Fitz had just manifested but Biana and I hadn't and I don't know about Keefe. I groan, this may be a bit harder but I guess we'll have to be really smart. "Okay Biana you stay here and I'll try and find them." she nods and I take off. I run down the hill we picked and stop and listen. I need a good view so I decide to go back up and levitate to try and get a better view. I manage to get pretty high when I spot a streak of blonde and brown head into the woods. I drop to the ground and run in that direction. I was gaining ground, I had always been good at running in PE. Soon I had reached the woods which looked pretty dark, I was doubting this but I couldn't let Keefe win. So I approached the clearing and waited for a sound or noise to give off their positions. I was about to turn back when I hear a stick snap I little bit in front of me. So I quietly walked forward and hid behind a tree. I heard another twig snap but farther away. So I walked there, but when I got there, I heard a snap again but where I was before. I realized what was going on. I started walking away, out of the woods. Letting them follow me towards our base. Once I got to the clearing I took off and once I knew they were behind but still following, I hid behind a rock. I waited until I saw their heads pop up from behind the corner. Our base was just ahead, my plan was risky but I knew I could pull it off. I saw them slowly start to walk forward, I waited until they were right in front of my rock and then jumped out and tagged them.

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