Hugs, Kisses, and Nightmares

135 3 6

Inspired by writing prompt one "I don't even know who I am without you" by 107bucky

Bucky woke up, just drenched in sweat from the most recent nightmare about losing the one he loved, Steve. 

Steve, he loved Steve.

He missed Steve.

Suddenly, flashbacks to a happier and simpler time went through Bucky's head. 

"What're you doing out here this late at night , Steve? Your Ma is gonna kill you!"

"I couldn't sleep. Bad dreams. What are YOU doing out this late, hmmm? Fooling around with some girls"

"Nah, not in the mood tonight. I actually came out here to find you, I knocked on your window, but you didn't respond so I assumed you were by the pier drawing, like always.

"Oh, well, good guess. I am ALWAYS here. Come here and sit down."

"Oh, ok...What're you drawing?"

"Oh, it's a little War campaign I came up with, in inspiration to you being drafted, I guess..."

"It looks nice."


"...You know I'll miss you, right? When I get drafted, I will miss you."

"Yeah, I know, I'm just always so sad when it happens..." 

"We can write letters. You can send me drawings"

"Yeah, I will..."

The end of that memory soothed Bucky. They both fell asleep on the pier, talking about various things. Life, death, what they would do after the war. Bucky missed those conversations, he could still have them with Steve, but it just wasn't the same. 

Steve, he missed Steve. Bucky now realized that Steve was in the room right next to him, Bucky could visit him, but he didn't want to bother him. Instead he fell back asleep, awaiting the nightmare that was yet to come. 

Bucky was trapped. Again in the hands of Hydra, he was trapped. He screamed and screamed, hoping someone could hear him. He sat in that chair, days, maybe weeks at a time, just being tortured beyond belief. Then one day he heard the most amazing words of his life, muffled by the sealed door in front of him. 

"Bucky, I'm here to save you!"

Steve, Bucky heard...Steve. He saw the door get kicked open, it was actually Steve . Suddenly, he heard a loud "BANG" and there Steve sat, in front of Bucky, dying to a gunshot wound in the chest, and there was nothing he could do about it. 


and Bucky woke up frightened in the arms of Steve Rogers himself.

"Shhh, Bucky, It's okay, I swear, everything is okay and will be okay" Steve softly said in Bucky's ears. 

"I...I..." Bucky stumbled to say, but just collapsed in Steve's arms. 

"You don't have to talk. I understand" Steve said, really trying to help Bucky calm down.

They sat there in moments upon moments of silence before Bucky spoke.

"I had a nightmare...about you Steve..." Bucky looked Steve in the eyes and said "It was all my fault. You died, and there was nothing I could do about it! It's my fault! It'" Bucky spoke softly at that last part, finally breaking down crying into Steve's arms. 

"Bucky, it's not your fault. It was a nightmare, but I promise you, It's over. I'm here and we are both safe" Steve said. He lifted up Bucky's chin and said "I love you and I am not going anywhere."

"I...Love you too, Steve. So much. I....I don't even know who I am without you, Steve. You mean the world to me. I wouldn't be here without you. You saved me and I love you so much for it." Bucky said to Steve, tears rolling down his cheeks. 

"Trust me when I say this Buck, you made me the person I am today. I love you so much and I'm so glad you are safe." Steve repeated to Bucky. 

"Will...will you stay with me tonight. Just for tonight. I always feel better when you're around..." Bucky shyly asked Steve.

"Of course Buck" Steve said settling into the bed "I will stay as long as you need me. Even if that means forever."

"Thanks Stevie, so much." Bucky responded, settling back with Steve. 

"...You're welcome, Buck" Steve kissed Bucky on the head and headed off to sleep.

Bucky loved Steve. 

His Steve. 

His hero. 

His life.


AUTHORS NOTE - My first Stucky one shot, sad and bad, I know. I tried, and I'm relatively proud of this. Let me know if you like it and give me request please!!!

Thank you <3 - MarvelMenace

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