Call me Bucky

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Prompt: Pre-serum Steve at a protest rally that gets out of control. Bucky is a police officer sent to break it up. - By imdefinitelyyourcat on Tumblr

AUTHOR'S NOTE: So, this is kinda a whole different timeline. Steve and bucky were never friends and Steve's mom hasn't passed away.

Picture this: New York, New York. 1938. Sunny weather that's just a little humid. It's actually quite a lovely day. Anyway, Steve Rogers, a skinny 20-year-old man, is out on the streets of New York during a women's rights protest. He's barely holding up, he was always ill for really no reason, but he convinced his Ma to let him do this. Who is she to prevent her boy from standing up for people of her own gender.

He's marching right along with all the other women in the crowd. It seems he is the only man there, but that doesn't phase him. Women's rights are one of his biggest passions. He'd seen how hard his Ma worked every day of his life, and she deserved respect wherever she went.

He'd been marching down the streets of New York for a couple of hours now, and he was in hell, but to support the women around him and having them support him right back, it meant the world to Steve. But that's when he heard it. A huge crash coming from his right side a little bit behind him. He turned and saw a shattered window that belonged to Barney's clothes, followed by three men in masks running out of the store with several things in their arms. Then the screaming started, people running and signs being thrown. 95 lbs Steve was stuck in the middle of everything. Through all the people pushing him back and forth and the chaos of it all, Steve felt an asthma attack coming on. He couldn't move and he didn't know what to do. He could feel everyone and everything moving around him, but all he could do was standstill. It seemed as if his senses were heightened and he couldn't ground himself enough to make sense of what was going on around him.

Steve vaguely heard sirens and saw flashing lights, but was really too focused on the fact that he couldn't breathe. There were more shattering sounds and the obvious sound of people running as fast as they possibly could. It was the same sound that the bullies Steve encountered made when someone bothered to look down the alleyway only to see a bloody Steve on the ground while the boys ran off. That sound just brought more feelings to Steve and it felt as if he was soon going to pass out.

The people around him started thinning out as he heard some loud and deep voices shouting something. He soon was the only person still standing in the street. He was visibly shaken, so an officer slowly approached him.

"Hello, sir? Are you okay?" a deep voice inquired.

Steve was still hyperventilating and couldn't answer the man's question. He felt a hand on his shoulder leading him somewhere but wasn't focused on where. He felt himself sit down, and he was able to make out that it was a bench. 

"Hey, just take deep breaths and try to relax." The voice directed, all while the hand was still on his shoulder. Steve began to feel himself come back down to earth. He took deep breaths, as the voice had said to do, and realized tears were falling down his cheeks and he was shaking.  Steve looked up, first seeing a nameplate with "Barnes" written on it, then, as his eyes lifted more, he saw an EXTREMELY handsome man staring at him with concern. 

The man had a strong jawline. Brown slicked-back hair. Bright blue eyes against his tan skin were gorgeous. He had a slight 5 o'clock shadow, which made him even more attractive. Steve was a hot mess all over again, his heart beating faster and his cheeks becoming red. 

"Hello, I'm officer Barnes. What's your name, sir?" He asked Steve. 

"Uh, hi. Umm, I'm Steve...Steve Rogers...." Steve answered. 

"Hi, Steve, how are you feeling right now? Do you know what happened?" 

"Um, I'm okay I guess." Steve started slowly, but soon progressed to talking a mile a minute. "And yeah, um, I was at this protest, the women's rights protest, and we were just walking when I heard a shattering sound and suddenly everything started going crazy. I don't know what happened next, I think I started having an asthma attack or something and then you came and sat me down. I'm so sorry Officer Barnes, I honestly don't know what I was thinking, coming out here today. Especially without an inhaler! I should've thought about the possibilities of what could've happened. I know it's not my fault or anything, but if I wasn't here you wouldn't have to sit down with me while I'm just freaking out haha I-" Steve was cut off when a little chuckle came from the man sitting across him. 

"I'm sorry," he said with an awkward cough following. "You don't have to apologize though, you were the least of my worries today. I'm just glad you weren't hurt..." He finished, a little smile and a slight blush forming on his face. Steve smiled back, his heart fluttering more than ever before. 

"I'm glad that you were here to help me." Steve retorted, a little embarrassed with how it sounded, but he smiled back. They sat there for a few moments, exchanging little glances until a new voice came from behind Steve. 

"James, I think we're done here," the voice said, Steve then seeing that it was another officer. "Everyone okay over here?" the officer asked. 

"Yes lieutenant, just checking up on this citizen who was here when the chaos broke out. And yes, I checked with him to see if he knew anything about why it got crazy, nothing on his part." The man now known as James Barnes answered. 

The lieutenant then said, "Very good. Escort this young man back home and meet back at the station." James nodded and stood up, standing straight for his superior while Steve followed his action. Standing, Steve noticed that James was tall, he was towering over Steve. James was muscular, his police uniform showing off every curve known to man. Steve might've been hugely attracted to James Barnes. 

After the lieutenant walked away, James loosened up and gently hit Steve with his elbow. "Let's get you home, Steve." 


After about a 25 minute walk, filled with tons of awkward silence and small talk, Steve and James arrived at Steve's house, his mother waiting nervously on the front porch. 

"Oh, Stevie!" His mother started, "I heard the rally got out of control and when you didn't come home I was so worried!" She grabbed Steve and hugged him tightly, James patiently waiting in the back to say his goodbyes. "Thank you for getting him home safely Officer..." She stopped for a second to read his nameplate. "Barnes. If you'll excuse me, I'm going to go make Stevie's favorite dish, chicken noodle soup." She kissed Steve on the cheek and headed inside. 

"Stevie huh?" James snickered out with a slight smirk across his face.

"Haha, yeah...My ma's called me that as far back as I can remember. No one else really calls me that though. Kinda reserved for loved ones I guess." Steve nervously stammered out. 

Steve was truly alone with this remarkably handsome man and he didn't know what to feel or think. Was he even into guys? It is the 1930's, Steve didn't know one other homosexual man. But, to be honest, he didn't know a lot of other men period. Steve must be delusional to think someone like James would choose little, skinny Steve. 

"It's cute, it really suits you," James said, with a sincere smile. "Most of my friends or peers call me Bucky. Middle names Buchanan, somehow my Ma got Bucky from that and it stuck...Well, anyway, I really should get going, the lieutenant's probably waiting for me. Bye Stevie." he finished with a wave goodbye. 

Steve blushed and responded with a simple, "Goodbye James."

"You can call me Bucky." James replied with a wink and then he confidently sauntered off. 

Steve felt his heart melt in his chest. He's gonna have to get in trouble with the law more...

AUTHOR'S NOTE: How about we just ignore the fact that I haven't posted in a very long time...Hope you enjoyed my babies being cute!

Thank you <3 ~ Marvelmenace

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2020 ⏰

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