Coffee Spill

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Prompt by Stuckyprompts on Tumblr: Imagine Stucky meeting at a coffee shop when Bucky spills coffee on Steve, so Bucky takes off his shirt and offers it to Steve. Steve gets so flushed that he blurts out 'do you wanna go out with me?' really loud catching everyone's attention. Bucky laughs and agrees, still topless. Five years later Bucky spills coffee again on Steve while he's proposing.

Bucky's POV

"Just one black coffee please" I told the lady, Natasha, at the counter. She got my order and name and told me it might take a minute because it was pretty busy today and that I could go take a seat. I said thanks and sat at a table in the back right corner, listening patiently for my name to be called. 

I was on my phone when I looked up and noticed a hot, tall, buff, blonde guy walk through the door with another, not as cute, short black-haired man wearing sunglasses. Trying not to be creepy, I kept my eye on the blonde, still waiting for my order. 

"James?" I heard Natasha say, a couple minutes after the blonde walked in. Then I heard a "Steve" said by a different worker while I walked up to get my coffee. The blonde, I now assume named Steve, got up and walked toward the counter to get his coffee and grabbed his before I did. I caught his eye for a slight second, noticing his blush, before he walked away to go back to his table.

Today was my off day from working as a car mechanic (Idk), so I really had nothing to do. I decided I didn't need to stay, maybe I would go for a walk, I didn't know yet. I stood up and headed for the door. Right when I was about to walk past his table, Steve stood up and turned toward me, or to the back of the room. I was startled and did the worst thing I could've done in that moment. I bumped into him and spilled my coffee all over him. 

"Oh, Christ. I'm so sorry!" I heard myself say, embarrassment washing over me. I started patting at his shirt with the one napkin I found at the table. 

"Oh, it's not a big deal, I promise." I heard Steve say, pulling his shirt out in front of him. The one napkin, of course, didn't work very well, and apparently no one seemed to notice, so I made a very bad decision. I took off my shirt, and handed it to Steve to try and help along with the worthless napkin.

That got everyone's attention.

I immediately noticed his prominent blush, but I chose to ignore it, still feeling the pink rising up on my own cheeks out of embarrassment. I tried to stay focused on cleaning Steve's shirt, but my attention was drawn toward the subtle voice above me, trying to say something. 

"Uh, umm" Steve stuttered out, looking down. The distinguishable pink once again on his cheeks.  "Do you wanna go out with me?" He said that very loud and captured everyone's attention once again.

I was extremely surprised, but just chuckled and looked up at Steve. "Sure" I said "My name's James, but my friends call my Bucky."

"Oh! Uh, my name's Steve!" He surprisingly told me, even though I already knew. "It's very nice to meet you, Bucky."

"Likewise. So, When's that date you're talking about?" I asked cockily. 

"Oh, uh, well..." Steve said, really trying to say something. 

"Don't worry. I'll set it up." I said, a sudden confidence bursting through me. "Here's my number." I took a napkin from a different table close by, and wrote down my number on it with the pen that was in my pocket.  I handed it to him, and he looked at it with wide eyes. I stood there for a while, waiting for Steve to realize he still had my shirt. It didn't seem like that was going to happen anytime soon, so I cleared my throat and told him I had to go.

"Oh, ok. Um, bye, I'll text you." I heard him say behind me while I headed for the door. "Wait, you forgot something!" Steve said, I think finally realizing that he still had my shirt. I pretended not to hear and walked out the door. I got a lot of stares and whistles from multiple people, but I just went right home. 

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